Dental Materials Quiz 12
1 / 68
For dental amalgam, the elastic modulus and tensile strength is______________?
2 / 68
Fins and spines on the casting is seen due to_______________?
3 / 68
A material behaves in certain ways above and below the proportional limit on a stress strin curve, which of the following is correct______________?
4 / 68
The maximum carbon content of steel used in dentistry is__________________?
5 / 68
To cure a heat cure resin, a proper heating cycle is necessary_____________?
6 / 68
About zinc oxide eugenol all are true except_______________?
7 / 68
Which of the following is true about Agar hydrocolloid impression material ?
8 / 68
The main ingredient in dental plaster in_______________?
9 / 68
In spherical alloys as compared to lathe cut____________?
10 / 68
Porcelain is best fired__________________?
11 / 68
Gypsum bonded investment should not be heated over______________?
12 / 68
Impression techniques are used for recording________________?
13 / 68
A patient who has had a recent amalgam filling in the upper teeth has a gold filling in the lower teeth, the patient complains of pain. The reason for this can be mainly_____________?
14 / 68
Lenolin is added is ZOE paste to______________?
15 / 68
Cleaning of base metal alloy is done by______________?
16 / 68
Dispersion of crystalline phase to strengthen ceramics results in_________________?
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Radio opacity to composite resins is rendered by_______________?
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Which of the following cements is contraindicated in mouth breathers_______________?
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Acrylic (cold cure)______________?
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VLC resins are also called as______________?
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The most toxic form of mercury is_________________?
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Benzoin methyl ether in a polymer indicates that they may be cured in the presence of________________?
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Porosity in porcelain can be prevented by_______________?
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The linear solidification shrinkage of Type IV Ni-Cr based alloys is_______________?
25 / 68
Which of the following zones is used for melting alloy during casting______________?
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Function of carnauba wax_________________?
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Residual monomer content of chemically activated resins is______________?
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No trail closure is necessary with which one of the technique during denture fabrication_____________?
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Amalgam means_____________?
30 / 68
Casting flux is used to_______________?
31 / 68
Which one of the following increase the strength and reduce viscosity of agar hydrocolloid impression material_____________?
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Dental porcelains are crystalline materials of________________?
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The opacity in ceramics is achieved by adding_______________?
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Setting time of ZOE is best controlled by______________?
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Suck back porosity is due to_________________?
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What is the working time of amalgam?
37 / 68
A material which is a mixture of two different materials and its properties are_____________?
38 / 68
Vulcanization refers to the setting of__________________?
39 / 68
Eugenol may be replaced in the zinc oxide eugenol cement by______________?
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Opaque porcelain________________?
41 / 68
Impression compound is characterized by all of the following except_______________?
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Which of the following fuel gases is the best choice of heat source to carry out soldering process ?
43 / 68
The ability of the base to resist occlusal forces and to support the restoration is affected by_______________?
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45 / 68
Which of the following component acts as an accelerator in ZOE impression paste ?
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Etchant preferred in gel from than in liquid form________________?
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Which of the following increases castability of base metal alloys________________?
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Gelation temparature of agar is between________________?
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Which of the following cements have anti cariogenic properly________________?
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In type II gold alloys _______ Karat gold is used?
51 / 68
If resin is packed in sandy stage what will be seen in the processed denture ?
52 / 68
The strength of gypsum prouducts is generally expressed in terms of______________?
53 / 68
Crucible indicated for casting base metal alloys is______________?
54 / 68
Well premeasured capsules of amalgam can release mercury vapour during_______________?
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Which of the following bur is used in the preparation of cavity restored with porcelain fused to metal ?
56 / 68
Agar is prepared from_______________________?
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Property of the material, which describes the resistance to abrasion, is_________________?
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Which of the following impression material is elastic________________?
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Hysteresis in a hydrocolloid gel is______________?
60 / 68
Most preferable cement for temporary restoration______________?
61 / 68
Outstanding clinical performance of dental amalgam restoration is related to its____________?
62 / 68
One of the claims for the superiority composite resin restoration over silicate cement restorations is that the resin restorations_____________?
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Immediate pouring of impressions is most critical in_____________?
64 / 68
Most mucostatic among the following_____________?
65 / 68
Average particle size of powdered gold is________________?
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To make the vinyl Polysiloxane hydrophilic the following is added_______________?
67 / 68
Condensation shrinkage of porcelain during firing depends on__________________?
68 / 68
The best pickling solution for gypsum bonded investment is_______________?
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