Economics Quiz 45


Economics Quiz 45

1 / 50

The production possibilities frontier refers to_______________?

2 / 50

When you consume good Q, not only do you benefit form consuming the good but other people benefit from your consumption as well, if firms produce good Q where P = MC, firms will be producing ?

3 / 50

If both input and output markets are competitive and firms are profit maximizing, then in equilibrium each factor of production earns ?

4 / 50

Which of the following characteristics are most likely found in developing countries ?

5 / 50

If a firm takes over a competitor then, according to porter?s 5 forces model ?

6 / 50

A country that is a net international debtor initially experiences a (an) ?

7 / 50

Term the central market for buying and selling all kind of securities ?

8 / 50

The practice of U.S corporations? moving?s their production facilities abroad is called________________?

9 / 50

In the metaphor of the ?looking-glass self ?the looking glass represents ?

10 / 50

Historically nations are impacted by_______________?

11 / 50

Free trade is based on the principle of ?

12 / 50

When the period of Kharif crop starts and when ends ?

13 / 50

In perfect competition ?

14 / 50

Which nation state has reached zero population growth ?

15 / 50

?Forex? stands for ?

16 / 50

The differences in behavior between men and women______________?

17 / 50

Deviance is relative because ____________?

18 / 50

No- fault divorce has_______________?

19 / 50

Zero population growth_________________?

20 / 50

An increase in the government budget deficit ?

21 / 50

Which of the following is true with regard to monopolistically competitive firms scale of production and pricing decisions Monopolistically competitive firms produce ?

22 / 50

Governments can stimulate productivity by ?

23 / 50

When did Pakistan launched its first space satellite Badr I largely designed and fabricated by SUPARCO ?

24 / 50

In a recession ?

25 / 50

Capitalisms roots can be found in_________________?

26 / 50

The trade model of the Swedish economies Heckscher and Ohlin maintains that ?

27 / 50

In marketing ?USP? stands for ?

28 / 50

According to the labeling theory which of the following concepts explains why a labeled individual becomes deviant ?

29 / 50

What is called the trade of goods or services without the exchange of money ?

30 / 50

The impossibility of negative gross investment provides a ______ to fluctuation in ______?

31 / 50

Which statement best explains China?s economic shift towards capitalism in the 1980s and early 1990s ?

32 / 50

The course of a product?s sales and profits over its lifetime is called ?

33 / 50

The ratio of Industrial progress in the country is ?

34 / 50

The political organization that may have too much influence on elected officials because of its generous contribution is the________________?

35 / 50

Given a two-country world, suppose Japan devalues the yen by 20 percent and west German devalues the mark by 15 percent This result is a (an)?

36 / 50

What is the share of population under 15 in the total population ?

37 / 50

The majority of the human population lives in________________?

38 / 50

Suppose that ABC publishing sells an economics textbook and accompanying study guide. Raheel is willing to pay Rs75 for the text and Rs15 for the study guide. Mariam is willing to spend Rs60 for the text and Rs25 for the study guide. Suppose both the book and study guide have a zero marginal cost of study production. If ABC publishing engages in tying the two products its best strategy is to charge a combined price of ?

39 / 50

What is one difference between Freuds developmental stages and Erikson?s ?

40 / 50

The rational-expectation hypothesis suggests that the forecasts that people make concerning future inflation rates ?

41 / 50

An allocation is Pareto-efficient if no reallocation of resources would make some people _______ without making others ________?

42 / 50

The nation with the longest political campaign period is_______________?

43 / 50

Government based on the rule of either the landed gentry the educated and privileged or the hereditary nobility is called_______________?

44 / 50

Which of the following is true ?

45 / 50

The situation when a country imports more than it exports is ?

46 / 50

The first level of output at which the long run average cost are minimized is called ?

47 / 50

What is called the manipulation of the market by traders to create the illusion of active volume to attract investors ?

48 / 50

If export contracts are written in terms of foreign currency and import contracts are denominated in domestic currency a depreciation of the dollar during the currency contract period ?

49 / 50

Economists suggest that an optimum tariff would be one which reduce imports to a point where___________?

50 / 50

De-regulation is where the government ?

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