Economics Quiz 51


Economics Quiz 51

1 / 50

The Short run Phillips curve can shift in response to changes in ?

2 / 50

In Porter?s five force model conditions are more favorable for firms within an industry if ?

3 / 50

Which exchange rate system does not require monetary reserves for official exchange rate intervention ?

4 / 50

Which of the following would shift the long-run Phillips curve to the right ?

5 / 50

In one sense of the term everyone is ethnocentric This is because______________?

6 / 50

A good example of a primary group is_________________?

7 / 50

When an individual buys a car in a congested urban area, it generates ?

8 / 50

What was the top timber producing country ?

9 / 50

Catalog marketing is big business in the United States. The average house hold receives __________ catalogs per year?

10 / 50

Which of the following statements is normative ?

11 / 50

The marginal tax rate is ?

12 / 50

The psychodynamic theories of personality are associated with________________?

13 / 50

Marx believed that the state would vanish when_____________?

14 / 50

Which of the following statements is true regarding the long-run aggregate supply curve? The long-run aggregate supply cruve ?

15 / 50

Which of the following is not true regarding the outcome of a consumer?s optimization process ?

16 / 50

To maximise sales revenue a firm should produce where ?

17 / 50

Canada France, Germany, Italy, Japan, The United Kingdom and United States are ?

18 / 50

Many economics argue that resale price maintenance ?

19 / 50

Country A has an absolute advantage in ?

20 / 50

Which of the following could not be considered a major economic system ?

21 / 50

Poverty is related to_______________?

22 / 50

Refer to Exhibit 4. Which of the following is true with regard to the burden of the tax in Exhibit 4 ?

23 / 50

According to supply side economists as tax rates are reduced labour supply should increase. This implies that ?

24 / 50

Even in a democracy the state can________________?

25 / 50

Which of the following does NOT appear to be a factor in divorce_______________?

26 / 50

The democratic state is based on the social contract theories of Locke and Rousseau These theories maintain that ?

27 / 50

If an increase in the budget deficit reduces national saving and investment we have witnessed a demonstration of ?

28 / 50

Prejudice and discrimination______________?

29 / 50

Kharif crop includes ?

30 / 50

When the stock market is down falling it is called ?

31 / 50

Failure to make timely payment of interest or principal on a debt security or to otherwise comply with the provisions of a bound indenture is called ?

32 / 50

The migration of employable workers from low-paying nations to high-paying nations tends to decrease ?

33 / 50

The marginal productivity of labor_________________?

34 / 50

Marxists are most interested in_______________?

35 / 50

Columbia?s Jagdish Bhagwati criticizes United States administrations inability to distinguish between benefits of free trade ?

36 / 50

The multiplier is calculated as___________?

37 / 50

If, for any reason the wage is held above the competitive equilibrium wage?

38 / 50

Which of the following is not a Cash Crop ?

39 / 50

Before the 1978 reforms China had a(n) ?

40 / 50

A market is defined as perfectly contestable if ?

41 / 50

The family-and particularly marriage-binds its members through_______________?

42 / 50


43 / 50

_________ is below the income that secures the bare essentials of food clothing and shelter ?

44 / 50

In C.Wright Mill,s view what group constitutes an elite ?

45 / 50

In the short run, the supply of capital is ________ and in the long run will depend on _______?

46 / 50

If an input necessary for production is in limited supply so that an expansion of the industry raises costs for all existing firms in the market, then the long-run market supply curve for a good could be ?

47 / 50

Which of the following must always balance ?

48 / 50

A tax placed on a good that is a necessity for consumers will likely generate a tax burden that ?

49 / 50

A graph showing all the combinations of goods and services that can be produced if all of society?s resources are used efficiently is a ?

50 / 50

Profit is measured by ?

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