Economics Quiz 8
1 / 50
Economics assumes that people consume goods and services to achieve ?
2 / 50
Which of the following is indicated by the term unemployed ?
3 / 50
What was the top chicken producing country ?
4 / 50
Consumer goods with unique characteristics or brand identification often requiring a special purchase effort are called?
5 / 50
The idea that technology changes social organization and ideology is called______________?
6 / 50
How much of the total population of the world is living in Asia ?
7 / 50
Which property the paper money does not process ?
8 / 50
Black Volcanic soil and tropical climate is most suitable without excess rainfall for which crop ?
9 / 50
Smith wrote that private ownership of the means of production would ?
10 / 50
Which is the most widely used tool of monetary policy ?
11 / 50
What is called the excess of purchase price over fair market value of net assets that are acquired under the purchase method of accounting ?
12 / 50
One criticism of Rostow?s theory of economic growth is that ?
13 / 50
Minority groups______________?
14 / 50
Economic development in Japan after World War II and in Communist China since the 1980s in similar in that both nations have sought to ?
15 / 50
The marginal propensity to consume is equal to ?
16 / 50
Pathologies endemic to the Soviet bureaucracy included secrecy formalism cumbersome procedures rigidity and the tendency to concentrate on control rather than performance The party controlled The state by using the ____ the power to recommend and approve managers in administration and enterprises, of appointments and promotions to control access to government positions ?
17 / 50
Which of the following is not a characteristic of a monopolistically competitive market ?
18 / 50
A combined measure of productivity that takes account of both labor and capital productivity is known as ?
19 / 50
What is Free port ?
20 / 50
The victims of crime tend to be_______________?
21 / 50
If a nation fitting the criteria for the large nation model imposes an import tariff ?
22 / 50
Which fruit is an offspring of the pummel ?
23 / 50
The initial impact of an increase in government spending is to shift ?
24 / 50
How I measured the change in the cost of basic goods and services in comparison with a fixed base period ?
25 / 50
Downsizing is______________?
26 / 50
In perfect competition ?
27 / 50
Which of the following would cause a demand curve for a good to be price inelastic ?
28 / 50
Which of the following is NOT true of primary relations ?
29 / 50
The oil supplies of the United States are subject to______________?
30 / 50
The emigration of highly-skilled people from the developing countries is known as ?
31 / 50
Overpopulation is a problem worldwide but only in relation to________________?
32 / 50
By 2050 8 billion of the projected 9.5 billion people will be_____________________?
33 / 50
Positive cross elasticities suggest that goods are ____ and negative cross-elasticities that goods are ?
34 / 50
When the world Bank or IMF requires improved external balance in the short run the agency may condition its loan on expenditure switching that is ?
35 / 50
What is the share of Sindh in the total population of Pakistan ?
36 / 50
The elitist school of thought asserts that______________?
37 / 50
Which of the following is likely to generate a compensating differential ?
38 / 50
Which is NOT form of plural marriage ?
39 / 50
We measure national income by this method ?
40 / 50
What is public sector ?
41 / 50
Which one is the dominant source of foreign exchange earning ?
42 / 50
The retail price index is used to__________________?
43 / 50
Term a film that is engaged in two or more unrelated businesses ?
44 / 50
Urbanism is associated with_____________________?
45 / 50
Sen?s welfare theory relies on ?
46 / 50
In stratified societies categories of people are ranked by________________?
47 / 50
Which of the following statements is true if the government places a price ceiling on petrol at Rs150 per litre and the equilibrium price is Rs100 per litre ?
48 / 50
When entering a building, Asim diverts his path to go through an open door rather than make the physical effort to open the closed door that is directly in his path. This is an example of:
49 / 50
Which is the most famous waterfall of the world ?
50 / 50
Romance as a reason for marriage________________?
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