Electrical Engineering Quiz 10
1 / 50
The area under a load curve gives__________?
2 / 50
The form factor is the ratio of_______?
3 / 50
Piezoelectric materials serve as a source of ____________ ?
4 / 50
Addition of trivalent impurity to a semiconductor creates many_______________?
5 / 50
Armature reaction in dc motor results___________?
6 / 50
The arrow in the symbol of a transistor indicates the direction of____________?
7 / 50
The diode detector in an AM radio receiver is usually found _____________?
8 / 50
We use _____________ ICs in computers?
9 / 50
The current zero interruption, in oil and air blast circuit breakers, is achieved by_______________?
10 / 50
In order to get more voltage gain from a transistor amplifier, the transistor used should have_________________?
11 / 50
Which of the following is not necessarily an advantage of interconnecting various power stations?
12 / 50
The draught in locomotive boilers is produced by_____________?
13 / 50
If the crystal frequency changes with temperature, we say that crystal has___________temperature coefficient?
14 / 50
Operating point represents__________________?
15 / 50
___________ is invariably used as base load plant.
16 / 50
In a D.C. generator the magnetic neutral axis coincides with the geometrical neutral axis, when_______________?
17 / 50
In D.C. motor which of the following can sustain the maximum temperature rise?
18 / 50
Which of the following statements is correct ?
19 / 50
The values of h parameter of a transistor in CE arrangement are ____________ arrangement?
20 / 50
A synchronous condenser is virtually which of the following?
21 / 50
A switchgear is device used for_____________?
22 / 50
As the load is applied to a synchronous motor, the motor takes more armature current because
23 / 50
Quadrilateral speed-time curve pertains to which of the following services ?
24 / 50
The power loss is an important factor for the design of_______________?
25 / 50
capacitors are used in transistor circuits?
26 / 50
The core of a coil has a length of 200 mm. The inductance of coil is 6 mH. If the core length is doubled, all other quantities, remaining the same, the inductance will be_____________?
27 / 50
Which of the following statement is correct_______________?
28 / 50
A pilot exciter is provided on generators for which of the following reasons?
29 / 50
In a lamp load when more than one lamp are switched on the total resistance of the load_____________?
30 / 50
A sinusoidal voltage of 5 Hz is applied to the field of a shunt generator. The armature voltage wave will_____________?
31 / 50
By which of the following methods string efficiency can be improved?
32 / 50
In a ceilingfan employing capacitor run motor____________?
33 / 50
The value of co-efficient of adhesion will be high when rails are_________________?
34 / 50
The phenomenon of an uncharged body getting charged merely by the nearness of a charged body is known as____________?
35 / 50
The approximate input impedance of the opamp circuit which has Ri=10k, Rf=100k, RL=10k?
36 / 50
Point out the wrong statement. Magnetic leakage is undesirable in electric machines because it___________?
37 / 50
At room temperature, an intrinsic silicon crystal acts approximately as_______________?
38 / 50
Differential amplifiers are used in______________?
39 / 50
A field of force can exist only between_____________?
40 / 50
The equation of 50 Hz current sine wave having r.m.s. value of 60 A is____________?
41 / 50
The internal resistance of a 20,000 ohm/volt voltmeter set on its 5 V range is_____________?
42 / 50
To reverse the direction of rotation of acapacitor start motor while it is running we should___________?
43 / 50
The speed of a universal motor is usually reduced by using____________?
44 / 50
In capacitor start single-phase motors____________?
45 / 50
In D.C. machines the usual limit of slot pitch is________________?
46 / 50
For both lap and wave windings, there are as many commutator bars as the number of_____________?
47 / 50
Compensating windings are used in D.C. generators______________?
48 / 50
The circuit that provides the best stabilization of operating point is___________________?
49 / 50
The principle on which vector voltmeter is based is_____________?
50 / 50
The conduction losses in IGBT is____________?
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