Electrical Engineering Quiz 11


Electrical Engineering Quiz 11

1 / 50

A MOSFET is sometimes called______________ JFET?

2 / 50

In variable frequency, PWM gain

3 / 50

Three 60 W bulbs are in parallel across the 60 V power line. If one bulb burns open_________________?

4 / 50

Induction furnaces are employed for which of the following ?

5 / 50

Mass, in force-voltage analogy, is analogous to________________?

6 / 50

A Zener voltage regulator will cease to act as a voltage regulator if Zener current becomes______________?

7 / 50

The breakdown voltage of a cable depends on_____________?

8 / 50

In an iron cored coil the iron core is removed so that the coil becomes an air cored coil. The inductance of the coil will_____________?

9 / 50

Steam turbines commonly used in steam power station are__________?

10 / 50

Which of the following capacitors is marked for polarity ?

11 / 50

The commercial sources of energy are____________?

12 / 50

The magnitude of field flux in a 3-phase synchronous motor?

13 / 50

Which of the following factors adversely affects the capacity of the leadacid battery ?

14 / 50

In a transformer routine efficiency depends upon_____________?

15 / 50

The materials having low retentivity are suitable for making_____________?

16 / 50

The emf induced in a conductor of unit length moving with unit velocity at right angles to a magnetic field is equal to_____________?

17 / 50

A booster is a_________________?

18 / 50

Greater the secondary leakage flux____________?

19 / 50

The specific energy consumption of a train depends on which of the following ?

20 / 50

For which of the following applications D.C. motors are still preferred ?

21 / 50

The shaft of synchronous motor is made of____________?

22 / 50

For a D.C. machines laboratory following type of D.C. supply will be suitable___________?

23 / 50

A single phase full bridge inverter can operate in load commutation mode in case load consists of____________?

24 / 50

A bistable multivibrator has _________________?

25 / 50

If cathode and anode connections in a mercury arc rectifier are inter changed_____________?

26 / 50

A 500 turns solenoid develops an average induced voltage of 60 V. Over what time interval must a flux change of 0.06 Wb occur to produce such a voltage ?

27 / 50

The lower and upper cut off frequencies are also called_____________frequencies?

28 / 50

The property of a capacitor to store electricity is called its____________?

29 / 50

_________ is an example of piezoelectric material?

30 / 50

In a R-L-C circuit_________?

31 / 50

Most of the amplification in a superhetrodyne receiver occurs at ______________stage?

32 / 50

The number of brushes in a commutator depends on______________?

33 / 50

Core of an electromagnet should have____________?

34 / 50

In pakistan, ______________ modulation is used for radio transmission?

35 / 50

In a purely inductive circuit__________?

36 / 50

The maximum speed of electronic switch can be _____________operations per second?

37 / 50

_____________coupling provides the maximum voltage gain?

38 / 50

An ideal voltage source has__________?

39 / 50

Which of the following is not an operating cost?

40 / 50

Due to which of the following co-efficient of adhesion improves ?

41 / 50

Bus coupler is very essential in arrangement______________?

42 / 50

When a negative voltage feedback is applied to an amplifier, its bandwidth_____________?

43 / 50

The percentage 02 by volume in atmosphere air is____________?

44 / 50

An AND gate will function as OR if________________?

45 / 50

The forced oil and air circulation method is usual one for transformers of capacities____________?

46 / 50

For a cell to work, which of the following condition(s) become necessary ___________?

47 / 50

If an induction motor with certain ratio of rotor to stator slots, runs at 1/7 of the normal speed, the phenomenon will be termed as____________?

48 / 50

Which of the following materials is the best conductor of electricity ?

49 / 50

Average resistance of human body is____________?

50 / 50

The tail current of a differential amplifier is_______________?

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