Electrical Engineering Quiz 16
1 / 50
With increase in firing angle,
2 / 50
The maximum constant load torque under which a synchronous motor will pull into synchronism at rated rotor supply voltage and frequency is known as___________?
3 / 50
Snubber circuit is used with SCR_________________?
4 / 50
The power developed by a synchronous motor will be maximum when the load angle is____________?
5 / 50
In a two value capacitor motor, the capacitor used for running purposes is_______________?
6 / 50
In alkaline cell the electrolyte is_____________?
7 / 50
If B is the flux density, I the length of conductor and v the velocity of conductor, then induced e.m.f. is given by______________?
8 / 50
The capacity of a lead-acid cell is measured in_____________?
9 / 50
The radio wave picked up by the receiving antenna is amplified about _________________ times to have reasonable sound output?
10 / 50
In case of three core flexible cable the colour of the neutral is_________?
11 / 50
Superconductors are becoming popular for use in________________?
12 / 50
If holding current of a thyristor is 2 mA then latching current should be_____?
13 / 50
The uniform magnetic field is______________?
14 / 50
In D.C. generators, lap winding is used for______________?
15 / 50
In a loss-free R-L-C circuit the transient current is__________?
16 / 50
In R-L-C series resonant circuit magnitude of resonance frequency can be changed by changing the value of__________?
17 / 50
The resistance of a parallel circuit consisting of two branches is 12 ohms. If the resistance of one branch is 18 ohms, what is the resistance of the other ?
18 / 50
Annual operating expenditure of a power plant consists of_________?
19 / 50
Low tension cables are generally used up to___________?
20 / 50
The parallel combination of a 470 ? resistor and a 680 ? resistor is in series with the parallel combination of four 2 k? resistors. The total resistance is___________?
21 / 50
The capacitance of a capacitor is not affected by____________?
22 / 50
IC = [a / (1 ? a )] IB + [___________ / (1 ? a )?
23 / 50
For faithful amplification by a transistor circuit, the value of VCE should______________for silicon transistor?
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In constant frequency PWM, at perturbation the amplitude of the sinusoidal component is a___________?
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Which of the following is the disadvantage due to low power factor?
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Which of the following load is responsible for lower power factor of supply system__________?
27 / 50
A gain of 1,000,000 times in power is expressed by_____________?
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The horizontal intercept of dc load line is the same as ideal____________?
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Starters are used with D.C. motors because______________?
30 / 50
In a highly capacitive circuit the__________?
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The electrostatic force between two charges of one coulomb each and placed at a distance of 0.5 m will be____________?
32 / 50
The overall efficiency of steam locomotive is around_____________?
33 / 50
To prevent the generation of static charges on rubber or flat leather__________?
34 / 50
For good stabilsation in voltage divider bias, the current I1 flowing through R1 and R2 should be equal to or greater than_____________?
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The active material of the positive plates of silver-zinc batteries is_________?
36 / 50
The law that the induced e.m.f. and current always oppose the cause producing them is due to____________?
37 / 50
The condition for maximum power in case of D.C. motor is______________?
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In a distribution system, in order to improve power factor, the synchronous capacitors are installed__________?
39 / 50
The power consumed in a circuit element will be least when the phase difference between the current and voltage is________?
40 / 50
The two important advantages of a JFET are _________________?
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When the modulating signal controls the frequency of the carrier, we get______________?
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The no-load current drawn by transformer is usually what per cent of the full-load current ?
43 / 50
Differentially compound D.C. motors can find applications requiring___________?
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Which of the following is an advantage of stranded conductor over equivalent single conductor ?
45 / 50
The kinetic energy of a bounded electron is______________?
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Negative voltage regulation is indicative that the load is___________?
47 / 50
In A.C. series motor compensating winding is employed to_____________?
48 / 50
Shunt capacitance is neglected while considering______________?
49 / 50
Addition of pentavalent impurity to a semiconductor creates many________________?
50 / 50
Which of the following is an advantage of electric traction over other methods of traction ?
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