Electrical Engineering Quiz 17
1 / 50
While selecting an electric motor for a floor mill, which electrical characteristics will be of least significance ?
2 / 50
Air gap has_________eluctance as compared to iron or steel path?
3 / 50
When the interconnector between two stations has large reactance?
4 / 50
A universal RLC bridge uses_________________?
5 / 50
Electro-mechanical voltage regulators are generally used in___________?
6 / 50
Hysteresis motor is particularly useful for high-quality record players and tape-recorders because___________?
7 / 50
In D.C. machines fractional pitch winding is used__________?
8 / 50
Which of the following materials are diamagnetic ?
9 / 50
Power factor of electric bulb is__________?
10 / 50
Which of the following is the main advantage of an auto-transformer over a two winding transformer?
11 / 50
Locomotive having monomotor bogies________________?
12 / 50
A transistor has____________?
13 / 50
When earth fault occurs______________?
14 / 50
For which of the following ?ampere second? could be the unit ?
15 / 50
In a full bridge VSI, in order to avoid the short circuit across the DC bus and the undefined AC output voltage condition, the modulating technique should ensure that___________?
16 / 50
Solar thermal power generation can be achieved by_______________?
17 / 50
A common base configuration of a pnp transistor is analogous to _____________?of a JFET
18 / 50
Which of the following components of a D.C, generator plays vital role for providing direct current of a D.C. generator ?
19 / 50
Addition of zeros in transfer function causes which of the following ?
20 / 50
Which of the following acts as a protection against high voltage surges due to lightning and switching ?
21 / 50
The switch that has the fastest speed of operation is ____________ switch?
22 / 50
The most commonly used amplifier in sample & hold circuits is______________?
23 / 50
Velocity error constant of a system is measured when the input to the system is unit ___________ function?
24 / 50
In dual converters________________?
25 / 50
Binary?vapour cycles are used to_____________?
26 / 50
When the specific gravity of the electrolyte of a lead-acid cell is reduced to 1.1 to 1.15 the cell is in___________?
27 / 50
A half-wave rectifier has an input voltage of 240 V r.m.s. If the step-down transformer has a turns ratio of 8:1, what is the peak load voltage? Ignore diode drop?
28 / 50
In power plants insurance cover is provided for which of the following?
29 / 50
Underground cables are laid at sufficient depth___________?
30 / 50
The low power factor of induction motor is due to___________?
31 / 50
A 2-transistor class B power amplifier is commonly called ______________ amplifier?
32 / 50
The insulation of the cable decreases with__________?
33 / 50
The capacity of capacitor bank used in power factor correction is expressed in terms of____________?
34 / 50
In a silicon controlled rectifier, the load is connected___________?
35 / 50
Super conductivity can be destroyed by_____________?
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The rotor copper losses, in a synchronous motor, are met by____________?
37 / 50
An electrolytic capacitor is generally made to provide__________?
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The phenomenon qf rise in voltage at the receiving end of the open-circuited or lightly loaded line is called the________________?
39 / 50
An instrument transformer is used to extend the range of______________?
40 / 50
______ of electrolyte indicates the state of charge of the battery
41 / 50
Man made noise are______________ variations?
42 / 50
An induction meter can handle current up to_____________?
43 / 50
For a transformer, operating at constant load current, maximum efficiency will occur at______________?
44 / 50
A transformer cannot raise or lower the voltage of a D.C. supply because_______________?
45 / 50
A certain circuit is composed of two parallel resistors. The total resistance is 1,403 ?. One of the resistors is 2 k?. The other resistor value is____________?
46 / 50
At series resonance, the net reactive component of circuit current is _______________?
47 / 50
In a step-down transformer, there is a change of 15 A in the load current. This results in change of supply current of_________________?
48 / 50
Ships are generally powered by___________?
49 / 50
In a Zener voltage regulator, the changes in load current produce changes in _________________?
50 / 50
An uncharged conductor is placed near a charged conductor, then_____________?
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