Electrical Engineering Quiz 22


Electrical Engineering Quiz 22

1 / 50

The circuit has resistors, capacitors and semi-conductor diodes. The circuit will be known as___________?

2 / 50

In a three phase converter, the number of notches per cycle is____________?

3 / 50

Insertion of resistance in the stator of an induction motor___________?

4 / 50

If the energy is supplied from a source, whose resistance is 1 ohm, to a load of 100 ohms the source will be___________?

5 / 50

A 6 V battery output is divided down to obtain two output voltages. Three 2.2 k? resistors are used to provide the two taps. The two output voltages are___________?

6 / 50

The Q of an LC circuit is given by _________________?

7 / 50

With three resistances connected in parallel, if each dissipates 20 W the total power supplied by the voltage source equals_____________?

8 / 50

For measuring a very high resistance we should use_______________?

9 / 50

technique gives quick transient and stability response______________?

10 / 50

In the case of lap winding resultant pitch is____________?

11 / 50

Is a cable is to be designed for use on 1000 kV, which insulation would you prefer ____________?

12 / 50

Which of the following affect greatly the resistivity of electrical conductors ?

13 / 50

Electric field intensity is a quantity_____________?

14 / 50

Power factor of the following circuit will be unity

15 / 50

If the load current drawn by unregulated power supply increases, the d.c. output voltage______________?

16 / 50

Reduced voltage starter can be used with_____________?

17 / 50

The resistance LM will be____________?

18 / 50

For the same peak value, which of the following wave has the least mean value ?

19 / 50

Battery operated trucks are used in________________?

20 / 50

Which of the following is the essential requirement of peak load plant ?

21 / 50

A parallel resonant band-pass filter consists of a 6.8 ? resistor in series with a parallel network made up of an 8 ?H coil and a 120 pF capacitor. The output is taken across the capacitor/coil. Assume RW = 0 ?. What is the center frequency of the filter?

22 / 50

Which of the following materials is used in the manufacture of resistance grids to be used in the starters of large motors ?

23 / 50

The dissipation factor of a good dielectric is of the order of____________?

24 / 50

The parallel combination of a 470 ? resistor and a 1.5 k? resistor is in series with the parallel combination of five 1 k? resistors. The source voltage is 50 V. The percentage of the load current through any single 1 K? resistor is__________?

25 / 50

The potential gradient across the material of low permittivity is than across the material of high permittivity?

26 / 50

Which of the following circuit component opposes the change in the circuit voltage ?

27 / 50

___________From which of the following transfer function can be obtained ?

28 / 50

Which is of the following data is required to draw the circle diagram for an induction motor ?

29 / 50

Which of the following motors is usually used in house-hold refrigerators ?

30 / 50

Hybrid means_____________?

31 / 50

Three point starter can be used for______________?

32 / 50

Economisers improve boiler efficiency by__________?

33 / 50

Slip-rings in a synchronous motor carry____________?

34 / 50

Generators for peak load plants are usually designed for maximum efficiency at____________?

35 / 50

In a multivibrator, we have___________ feedback?

36 / 50

Acharge which when placed in vacuum from an equal and similar charge repels with a force of 9 x 10 N, is known as_____________?

37 / 50

A permeable substance is one_____________?

38 / 50

A transistor converts __________________?

39 / 50

The unit of dielectric strength is given by___________?

40 / 50

In an intrinsic semiconductor, the number of free electrons_____________?

41 / 50

The common impurity in the electrolyte of lead-acid battery is_____________?

42 / 50

When /?2 is the rotor resistance, .X2 the rotor reactance at supply frequency and s the slip, then the condition for maximum torque under running conditions will be_____________?

43 / 50

The concept on which Superposition theorem is based on_____________?

44 / 50

In aluminium conductors, steel core is provided to____________?

45 / 50

A coil induces 350 mV when the current changes at the rate of 1 A/s. The value of inductance is___________?

46 / 50

A heat sink is generally used with a transistor to______________?

47 / 50

The function of pole shoes in the case of D.C. machine is______________?

48 / 50

The electric field intensity at a point situated 4 meters from a point charge is 200 N/C If the distance is reduced to 2 meters, the field intensity will be______________?

49 / 50

Selenium is __________ semiconductor?

50 / 50

1 db corresponds to_____________change in power level?

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