Electrical Engineering Quiz 24


Electrical Engineering Quiz 24

1 / 50

The horsepower of steam locomotives is______________?

2 / 50

A Zener diode utilises_____________characteristic for voltage regulation?

3 / 50

Which motor is normally free from mechanical and magnetic vibrations ?

4 / 50

If the resistance of a conductor does not vary in accordance with Ohm?s law it is known as____________?

5 / 50

A three-phase synchronous motor will have_____________?

6 / 50

D.C. shunt motors are used for driving____________?

7 / 50

Over voltage protection is recommended for______________?

8 / 50

The slot leakage can be calculated by making which of the following assumptions ?

9 / 50

Thermal circuit breaker has____________?

10 / 50

The Zener current will be minimum when_____________?

11 / 50

Induction heating process is based on which of the following principles ?

12 / 50

What is the value of capacitance that must be connected in parallel with 50 pF condenser to make an equivalent capacitance of 150 pF ?

13 / 50

Sparking, is discouraged in a D.C. motor because_____________?

14 / 50

An electric charge at rest produces_______________?

15 / 50

When SCR starts conducting, then _____________ loses all control?

16 / 50

Armature coil is short circuited by brushes when it lies_____________?

17 / 50

In a loaded Zener regulator, which is the largest Zener current ?

18 / 50

A step up chopper has input voltage 110 V and output voltage 150 V. The value of duty cycle is_____?

19 / 50

Circuit breakers usually operate under______________?

20 / 50

Flywheel is used with D.C. compound motor to reduce the peak demand by the motor, compound motor will have to be_____________?

21 / 50

For given maximum axle load tractive efforts of AC locomotive will be_____________?

22 / 50

The major advantage of FM over AM is__________________?

23 / 50

Conductance is analogous to_____________?

24 / 50

In an SCR circuit the supply voltage is generally ___________ that of breakover voltage?

25 / 50

Air blast circuit breaker is used for_____________?

26 / 50

____________ rectifier has the lowest forward resistance?

27 / 50

If the cross-sectional area of the channel in n-channel JEFT increases, the drain current _____________?

28 / 50

Armature of a synchronous machine is____________?

29 / 50

A zener diode utilizes ______________ characteristics for its operation?

30 / 50

Low efficiency of a power amplifier results in_________________?

31 / 50

The main constituent of permalloy is_____________?

32 / 50

A power supply can deliver a maximum rated current of 0.5 A at full-load output voltage of 20 V. What is the minimum load resistance that you can connect across the supply?

33 / 50

For the parallel operation of single phase transformers it is necessary that they should have___________?

34 / 50

The type 0 system has ___________ at the origin?

35 / 50

In constant-current charging method, the supply voltage from discharged to fully charged condition____________?

36 / 50

Protection by fuses is generally not used beyond__________?

37 / 50

A balanced 3-phase system consists of_______________?

38 / 50

Properly of low temperature co-eflficient of heating element is desired due to which of the following reasons ?

39 / 50

Which of the following motors are pre-ferred for overhead travelling cranes ?

40 / 50

High resistivity materials are used in_____________?

41 / 50

A single stage transistor amplifier contains______________ and associated circuitry?

42 / 50

Two bulbs of 500 W and 200 W rated at 250 V will have resistance ratio as________?

43 / 50

Those magnetic materials are best suited for making armature and transformer cores which have ________ permeability and ________ hystersis loss

44 / 50

The load factor of domestic load is usually____________?

45 / 50

Electrolyte used in an Edison cell is___________?

46 / 50

Excess-3 code is known as_________________?

47 / 50

In a system zero initial condition means that______________?

48 / 50

_______________method can bring the locomotive to dead stop?

49 / 50

A JFET has ____________ power gain?

50 / 50

In single phase VSI, the harmonic which is not present is____________?

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