Electrical Engineering Quiz 27
1 / 50
Paper capacitors usually have a tolerance of___________?
2 / 50
Which of the following methods may be used to convert A.C. system to D.C ?
3 / 50
The most commonly used semiconductor is________________?
4 / 50
Wattmeter cannot be designed on the principle of_________________?
5 / 50
BCT is used for____________?
6 / 50
Eddy currents are induced in the pole shoes of a D.C. machine due to______________?
7 / 50
For swept frequency measurements, the input impedance of the mismatched transmission line would vary with frequency as the electrical length of the transmission line would
8 / 50
If the PIV rating of a diode is exceeded,_______________?
9 / 50
The e.m.f. induced in the armature of a shunt generator is 600 V. The armature resistance is 0.1 ohm. If the armature current is 200 A, the terminal voltage will be_____________?
10 / 50
Speed torque characteristic of a repulsion induction motor is similar to that of a D.C____________?
11 / 50
What will happen if the transformers working in parallel are not connected with regard to polarity ?
12 / 50
In order to determine hfe and hie parameters of a transistor, __________ is an a.c. short-circuited?
13 / 50
A typical output of a solar cell is_____________?
14 / 50
The heat dissipated by from a surface depends upon its temperature and its characteristics like colour, roughness etc?
15 / 50
In case of D.C. machine winding, number of commutator segments is equal to______________?
16 / 50
In a pure capacitive circuit if the supply frequency is reduced to 1/2, the current will__________?
17 / 50
A material for good magnetic memory should have____________?
18 / 50
Commonly used standard capacitor is______________?
19 / 50
In case of locomotives the tractive power is provided by______________?
20 / 50
The insulating material used between the commutator segments is normally_____________?
21 / 50
A power supply has a voltage regulation of 1%. If the no-load voltage is 20 V, what is the full-load voltage ?
22 / 50
IC = ? IB +__________?
23 / 50
As the junction temperature increases, the voltage breakdown point for Zener mechanism _______________?
24 / 50
In a pure inductive circuit___________?
25 / 50
Material used for construction of transformer core is usually___________________?
26 / 50
Which winding in a transformer has more number of turns ?
27 / 50
TravelUng grate stoker can burn coals at the rates of____________?
28 / 50
Buchholz?s relay gives warning and protection against_________________?
29 / 50
The essential condition for parallel operation of two D.C. generators is that they have ________________?
30 / 50
The arcing contacts in a circuit breaker are made of______________?
31 / 50
Rankine efficiency of a steam power plant____________?
32 / 50
The Q of a tuned amplifier is generally _________________?
33 / 50
Gilbert is a unit of_______________?
34 / 50
Which of the following motors is preferred when smooth and precise speed control over a wide range is desired ?
35 / 50
The phase lag produced by transportation relays_____________?
36 / 50
In squirrel cage induction motors, the rotor slots are usually given slight skew in order to__________?
37 / 50
Size of a high speed motor as compared to low speed motor for the same H.P. will be__________?
38 / 50
The reactance offered by a capacitor to alternating current of frequency 50 Hz is 20 Q. If frequency is increased to 100 Hz, reactance becomes_______ohms?
39 / 50
In a system low friction co-efficient facilitates___________?
40 / 50
Value of ?r for various dielectrics is always________________?
41 / 50
Insulation resistance of high voltage circuit breakers is more than________________?
42 / 50
Frequencies above ______________ kHz are called radio frequencies?
43 / 50
A certain JFET data sheet gives VGS(off) = -4 V. The pinch-off voltage Vp is _____________?
44 / 50
In a transistor, signal is transferred from a___________circuit?
45 / 50
The base of a transistor is____________doped?
46 / 50
A separately excited generator as compared to a self-excited generator_____________?
47 / 50
The insulation between windings and grounded core and the insulation between the windings of the same phase is called__________________?
48 / 50
In case of high speed universal motor which of the following needs more attention?
49 / 50
A coil with negligible resistance has 50V across it with 10 m The inductive reactance is_____________?
50 / 50
An induction motor can run at synchronous speed when____________?
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