Electrical Engineering Quiz 28


Electrical Engineering Quiz 28

1 / 50

Losses which occur in rotating electric machines and do not occur in transformers are___________?

2 / 50

Which of the following devices is necessarily required for automatic temperature control in a furnace ?

3 / 50

A single phase ac ? dc converter is also known as____________?

4 / 50

Ageing of a selenium rectifier may change the output voltage by__________?

5 / 50

An RC low-pass filter consists of a 120 ? resistor and a 0.002 ?F capacitor. The output is taken across the capacitor. The circuit?s critical frequency is___________?

6 / 50

The disadvantage of voltage divider bias is that it has _________________?

7 / 50

What will happen to an insulating medium if voltage more than the breakdown voltage is applied on it__________ ?

8 / 50

Copper as conductor for cables is used as________?

9 / 50

If the resistance of a tuned circuit is increased, the Q of the circuit _______________?

10 / 50

In square wave operation mode of 3 phase VSI, the VSI

11 / 50

The transient response of a system is mainly due to________________?

12 / 50

Hydrogen evolved during charging produces explosive mixture when it is more than___________?

13 / 50

The output stage of a multistage amplifier is also called _________________-?

14 / 50

Which of the following mercury arc rectifier will deliver least undulating current?

15 / 50

A shell-type transformer has_________?

16 / 50

Which of the following does not change in an ordinary transformer ?

17 / 50

The number of electrons in the outer most orbit of carbon atom is___________?

18 / 50

A 300 mm long conductor is carrying a current of 10 A and is situated at right angles to a magnetic field having a flux density of 0.8 T ; the force on the conductor will be____________?

19 / 50

Which of the following materials does not have covalent bonds ?

20 / 50

At parallel resonance, the phase angle between the applied voltage and circuit current is _____________?

21 / 50

D.C. shunt relays are made of_____________?

22 / 50

By the use of which of the following power factor can be improved?

23 / 50

Which of the following motors always starts on load ?

24 / 50

If Amin = 40 and Amax = 60, what is the percentage of modulation?

25 / 50

Zener diode are generally made of _____________?

26 / 50

With a D.C. generator which of the following regulation is preferred ?

27 / 50

The voltage used for suburban trains in D.C. system is usually_______________?

28 / 50

An ammeter is a______________?

29 / 50

________________directly converts temperature into voltage?

30 / 50

capacitors are mainly used for radio frequency tuning?

31 / 50

Out of the following which is not a poor conductor__________?

32 / 50

Which D.C. motor will be preferred for machine tools ?

33 / 50

In force-voltage analogy, velocity is analogous to______________?

34 / 50

What will happen if the back e.m.f. of a D.C. motor vanishes suddenly?

35 / 50

If ground is applied to the (+) terminal of an inverting op-amp, the (?) terminal will_____________?

36 / 50

The output impedance of a transistor is____________?

37 / 50

Capacitor does not allow the sudden change of ?

38 / 50

In case of a reluctance motor, when the load is increased so that it cannot maintain synchronous speed the motor will_____________?

39 / 50

The application where one would most likely find a crystal oscillator is____________?

40 / 50

A rotary converter in general construction and design, is more or less like___________?

41 / 50

cooling is the process of dissipating the armature and field winding losses to a cooling medium circulating within the winding insulation wall______________?

42 / 50

If the temperature of a crystal diode increases, then leakage current ______________?

43 / 50

Overheating of relay contacts or contact born out is due to_______________?

44 / 50

In a three-phase induction motor_______________?

45 / 50

Which of the following law/rule can he used to determine the direction of rotation of D.C. motor ?

46 / 50

For similar carrier and modulating signals, the line current used in CSI is__________?

47 / 50

To detect an over ? current fault condition, the most reliable method is to connect a_____________?

48 / 50

An induction motor with 1000 r.p.m. speed will have____________?

49 / 50

The best place to install a capacitor is___________?

50 / 50

Power factor of an inductive circuit is usually improved by connecting capacitor to it in____________?

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