Electrical Engineering Quiz 32


Electrical Engineering Quiz 32

1 / 50

A series resonant band-stop filter consists of a 68 ? resistor, a 110 mH coil, and a 0.02 ?F capacitor. The internal resistance, RW, of the coil is 4 ?. Input voltage is 200 mV. Output voltage is taken across the coil and capacitor in series. What is the output voltage magnitude at f0?

2 / 50

For which of the following ratings of the transformer differential protection is recommended ?

3 / 50

In a low power factor wattmeter the pressure coil is connected_______________?

4 / 50

When the voltage applied to a synchronous motor is increased, which of the following will reduce?

5 / 50

The torque of a rotor in an induction motor under running condition is maximum__________?

6 / 50


7 / 50

The full-load copper loss of a trans?former is 1600 W. At half-load, the copper loss will be___________?

8 / 50

Which D.C. motor has got maximum self loading property?

9 / 50

A change of 4% of supply voltage to an induction motor will produce a change of approximately ________?

10 / 50

In a load commutated DC ? DC chopper, the capacitor has a_____________?

11 / 50

Two lamps 100 W and 40 W are connected in series across 230 V (alternating). Which of the following statement is correct ?

12 / 50

The capacity of a lead-acid cell does not depend on its___________?

13 / 50

The maximum efficiency of a half-wave rectifier is _____________?

14 / 50

With rise in temperature the resistance of pure metals______________?

15 / 50

In a star-delta starter of an induction motor___________?

16 / 50

The braking retardation is usually in the range__________________?

17 / 50

MOSFET can be used as a__________?

18 / 50

Two oppositely charged balls A and B attract third conducting ball C when placed near them turn by turn. Then ball C must be______________?

19 / 50

Overmodulation (amplitude) occurs when signal amplitude is _____________ carrier amplitude?

20 / 50

The draught which a chimney produces is called_____________?

21 / 50

A gang condenser is a____________?

22 / 50

In the a.c. equivalent circuit of a transistor amplifier, the capacitors are considered ___________________?

23 / 50

A rotary converter is a single machine with______________?

24 / 50

It is advisable to avoid line starting of induction motor and use starter because____________?

25 / 50

A certain voltage divider consists of three 1 k? resistors in series. Which of the following load resistors will have the least effect on the output voltage?

26 / 50

In D.C. machines the width of the duct is usually_____________?

27 / 50

In an electric kettle water boils in 10 m minutes. It is required to boil the boiler in 15 minutes, using same supply mains______________?

28 / 50

The function of ferrite antenna is to_________________?

29 / 50

When SCR is OFF, the current in the circuit is ________________?

30 / 50

The main function of a fuse is to_____________?

31 / 50

The wattage rating for a ceiling fan motor will be in the range_________?

32 / 50

______________ multivibrator is a square wave oscillator?

33 / 50

The ?cogging? of an induction motor can be avoided by____________?

34 / 50

The resistivity of the conductor depends on

35 / 50

Which of the following is non-linear circuit parameter?

36 / 50

In case one phase of a three-phase synchronous motor is short-circuited the motor will____________?

37 / 50

The effect of considering friction losses in steam nozzle for the same pressure ratio leads to________?

38 / 50

The output voltage Vo of the above circuit is____________?

39 / 50

The voltage drop between the anode and cathode, of a mercury arc rectifier comprises of the following_____________?

40 / 50

A differentiator is usually not a part of a control system because it______________?

41 / 50

The initial rate of rise of current through a coil of inductance 10 H when suddenly connected to a D.C. supply of 200 V is__________Vs

42 / 50

When the rotor speed, in a synchronous machine, becomes more than the synchronous speed during hunting, the damper bars develop_________________?

43 / 50

Let of a thyristor Vc1, Vc2, Vc3 are forward break over voltage for gate current Ig1, Ig2, Ig3 respectively. Then________________?

44 / 50

A synchronous motor is running on a load with normal excitation. Now if the load on the motor is increased

45 / 50

In a transmitter ____________oscillator is used?

46 / 50

Electrical power output in a D.C. generator is equal to_____________?

47 / 50

Three 10 k? resistors are connected in series. A 20 k? resistor is connected in parallel across one of the 10 k? resistors. The voltage source is 24 V. The total current in the circuit is___________?

48 / 50

Higher the self-inductance of a coil_____________?

49 / 50

At parallel resonance, the ratio L/C is ______________?

50 / 50

The return circuit for tramcars is through_______________?

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