Electrical Engineering Quiz 34
1 / 50
The resistivity of a metal is a function of temperature because_____________?
2 / 50
The crystal oscillator frequency is very stable due to___________of the crystal?
3 / 50
Compounding of steam turbine is done for_______________?
4 / 50
The power is measured in terms of decibles in case of_________?
5 / 50
Primary winding of a transformer________________?
6 / 50
The rotor developed by a single-phase motor at starting is___________?
7 / 50
In a Weston frequency meter, the magnetic axes of the two fixed coils are__________________?
8 / 50
If a step function is applied to the input of a system and the output remains below a certain level for all the time, the system is_____________?
9 / 50
In an interconnected system, the diversity factor of the whole system:
10 / 50
A universal motor can run on___________?
11 / 50
The mass of an ion liberated at an electrode is directly proportional to the quantity of electricity. The statement is associated with____________?
12 / 50
In class A operation, the input circuit of a JFET is ____________ biased?
13 / 50
The advantage of cables over overhead transmission lines is___________?
14 / 50
The resistance of a conductor varies inversely as___________?
15 / 50
Weston standard cell at 20?C has voltage of _______ volts
16 / 50
Which of the following is usually not the generating voltage__________?
17 / 50
The NOR gate is OR gate followed by____________________?
18 / 50
An SCR can exercise control over____________of a.c. supply?
19 / 50
The number of electrons in one coulomb charge is equal to_______________?
20 / 50
In a FET, there are _____________pn junctions at the sides?
21 / 50
A 470 ? resistor, a 220 ? resistor, and a 100 ? resistor are all in parallel. The total resistance is approximately________________?
22 / 50
Constantan contains_______________?
23 / 50
The pinch-off voltage of a JFET is about _______________?
24 / 50
Which of the following materials is used for overhead transmission lines ?
25 / 50
Which of the following are the applications of D.C. system ?
26 / 50
The armature voltage control of D.C. motor provides_____________?
27 / 50
In a certain low-pass filter, fc = 3.5 kHz. If the input voltage is a 6 V sine wave with a dc level of 10 V, what is the output voltage magnitude?
28 / 50
The average value of the output voltage in a step ? down dc chopper is given by__________?
29 / 50
A 3-phase 4 wire system is commonly used on________________?
30 / 50
Lubricant used for ball bearing is usually___________?
31 / 50
In a JFET, when drain voltage is equal to pinch-off voltage, the depletion layers ______________?
32 / 50
The stator of phase shifting transformer for use in conjunction with an A.C. potentiometer usually has a _________________?
33 / 50
Under which of the following conditions hunting of synchronous motor is likely to occur?
34 / 50
In a tansistor, IC = 100 mA and IE = 100.2 m The value of ? is____________?
35 / 50
___________ is most commonly used for making magnetic recording tape?
36 / 50
The wattage of motor for driving domestic sewing machine will be around__________?
37 / 50
Magnetising steel is normals difficult because____________?
38 / 50
Large capacity generators are invariably___________?
39 / 50
In thermocouples which of the following pairs is commonly used ?
40 / 50
The most accurate device for measuring voltage is ____________?
41 / 50
A potential of 400 V is applied to a capacitor, the plates of which are 4 mm apart. The strength of electric field is___________?
42 / 50
If a D.C. motor is to be selected for conveyors, which rriotor would be preferred ?
43 / 50
Current cannot flow to ground through _______________?
44 / 50
In deriving ac equivalent circuit for an amplifier circuit, we short circuit___________?
45 / 50
While starting a salient pole synchronous motor by induction motor action and connecting field discharge resistance across field, starting and accelerating torque is produced by_____________?
46 / 50
In the above question, what are the values of cut-off frequencies?
47 / 50
For measuring current at high frequency we should use_______________?
48 / 50
The rotor slots, in an induction motor, are usually not quite parallel to the shaft because it_____________?
49 / 50
Which of the following is true about SIT?
50 / 50
Radiations from a black body are proportional to____________?
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