Electrical Engineering Quiz 46
1 / 50
If a radio receiver amplifies all the signal frequencies equally well, it is said to have high ________________?
2 / 50
A D.C. welding generator has____________?
3 / 50
A class A power amplifier uses _________________?
4 / 50
By increasing impurity content in the metal alloy the residual resistivity always_____________?
5 / 50
In a vibrating reed frequency meter the natural frequencies of two adjacent reeds have a difference of___________?
6 / 50
The input impedance of a transistor is___________?
7 / 50
The frequency of an alternating current is____________?
8 / 50
Rotor rheostat control method of speed control is used for____________?
9 / 50
Hunting in a synchronous motor cannot be due to___________?
10 / 50
The condition for maximum efficiency for a D.C. generator is______________?
11 / 50
The power transmitted will be maximum when____________?
12 / 50
The objective of earthing or grounding is_______________?
13 / 50
Which of the following statements is correct ___________?
14 / 50
The percentage slip in case of a synchronous motor is____________?
15 / 50
While calculating Rth in Thevenin?s theorem and Norton equivalent
16 / 50
The modern steam turbines are___________?
17 / 50
Regenerative method of braking is based on that___________?
18 / 50
The value of dielectric constant for vacuum is taken as____________?
19 / 50
In any A.C. circuit always__________?
20 / 50
The left hand rule correlates to______________?
21 / 50
___________ has the best damping properties?
22 / 50
Permeability in a magnetic circuit corresponds to________ in an electric circuit
23 / 50
In which of the following applications D.C. series motor is invariably tried?
24 / 50
The material of the heating element for a furnace should have___________?
25 / 50
A synchronous motor running with normal excitation adjusts to load increases essentially by increase in______________?
26 / 50
Tesla is a unit of_____________?
27 / 50
The cascade amplifier is a multistage configuration of__________?
28 / 50
When we rub a glass rod with a silk cloth then________________?
29 / 50
Which of the following coil will have large resonant frequency __________?
30 / 50
When a differential amplifier is operated single-ended, _______________?
31 / 50
Following will happen if battery charging rate is too high______________?
32 / 50
_______________is universally used for windings of electrical machines because it is easily workable without any possibility of fracture?
33 / 50
In De Laval steam turbine___________?
34 / 50
A TRIAC can be turned on with______________?
35 / 50
emf induced in a circuit according to Faradays law depends on the_____________?
36 / 50
For diesel locomotives the range of horsepower is_______________?
37 / 50
For proper operation of the transistor, its collector should have___________________?
38 / 50
Low resistivity materials are used in__________?
39 / 50
Which of the following motors will be used in electric clocks?
40 / 50
Which of the following insulating materials was suitable for low temperature applications ?
41 / 50
In Weston synchronoscope the moving coil is connected across______________?
42 / 50
cmf generated by A.C dynamo depends upon_____________?
43 / 50
In D.C. generators the polarity of the interpoles_____________?
44 / 50
If 1 A current flows in a circuit, the number of electrons flowing through this circuit is
45 / 50
The r.m.s. value of a sinusoidal A.C. current is equal to its value at an angle of_______degrees?
46 / 50
Which of the following motors will operate at high power factor ?
47 / 50
The ratio of starting torque to full-load torque is least in case of____________?
48 / 50
Which of the following motors can be used for unity power factor ?
49 / 50
If a parallel circuit is opened in the main line, the current_______________?
50 / 50
When a multistage amplifier is to amplify d.c. signal, then one must use_____________coupling?
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