Electrical Engineering Quiz 49


Electrical Engineering Quiz 49

1 / 50

For 25 kV single phase system power supply frequency is_______________?

2 / 50

The power MOSFET device is a___________?

3 / 50

Following energized winding of a D.C. machine should not be opened as it would produce high inductive voltage which may be dangerous to personnel and may cause its own insulation failure.

4 / 50

Which of the following motors is used in a situation where load increases with speed ?

5 / 50

Multi-layer helical windings are commonly used in the transformers as high voltage windings_______________?

6 / 50

Power factor of the system is kept high__________?

7 / 50

The value of collector load RC in a transistor amplifier is _______________the output impedance of the transistor?

8 / 50

If the temperature increases, the value of VCE_________________?

9 / 50

The absolute permittivity of free space is given by_____________?

10 / 50

If a 3-phase supply is given to the stator and rotor is short circuited rotor will move___________?

11 / 50

Series capacitors are used to_________________?

12 / 50

Which triggering is the most reliable____________?

13 / 50

Which of the following component, in a steam power plant, needs maximum maintenance attention?

14 / 50

An ammeter has a resistance of G ohms and range of I amperes. The value of resistance required in parallel to convert it into an ammeter of range nI is______________?

15 / 50

With conventional hydrogen cooling it is possible to increase the rating of a single unit to___________?

16 / 50

A three point starter is considered suitable for______________?

17 / 50

Which of the following is the major consideration to evolve a good design?

18 / 50

Which of the following single-phase induction motors is generally used in time phonographs ?

19 / 50

D.C. motor is to a drive a load which is almost nil for certain part of the load cycle and peak value for short duration. We will select this______________?

20 / 50

A differential amplifier is invariably used in the i/p stage of all op-amps. This is done basically to provide the op-amps with a very high______________?

21 / 50

Voltage dependent resistors are used_____________?

22 / 50

The formula __________ determines the number of electrons that can be accommodated in any level?

23 / 50

When the field of a synchronous motor is under-excited, the power factor will be____________?

24 / 50

The angular displacement between two interconnected stations is mainly due to___________?

25 / 50

When a magnet is in motion relative to a coil the induced e.m.f. does not depend upon____________?

26 / 50

Which of the following could be lamina-proximately the thickness of laminations of a D.C. machine ?

27 / 50

Battery container should be acid resistance, therefore it is made up of___________?

28 / 50

For germanium transistor amplifier, VCE should_______________for faithful amplification?

29 / 50

Iron losses in a D.C. machine are independent of variations in_____________?

30 / 50

In a steam locomotive electric power is provided through_____________?

31 / 50

Which following is a two terminal three layer device?

32 / 50

The final stage of a multistage amplifier uses______________?

33 / 50

Which of the following D.C. distribution system is the simplest and lowest in first cost ?

34 / 50

The input control parameter of a JFET is __________________?

35 / 50

The cooling section in the surface condenser__________?

36 / 50

Lenz?s law is a consequence of the law of conservation of__________?

37 / 50

In phase-shift control method the control is carried out by varying the of grid voltage

38 / 50

An amplifier has a power gain of 100. Its db gain is ________________?

39 / 50

The insulating material should have____________?

40 / 50

The material for armouring on cable is usually__________?

41 / 50

In an LC oscillator, if the value of L is increased four times, the frequency of oscillations is __________?

42 / 50

Internal resistance of ideal current source is ?

43 / 50

The bar magnet has____________?

44 / 50

Vacuum is created by which of the following ?

45 / 50

In which of the following appUcations, direct current is absolutely essential ?

46 / 50

At room temperature, an intrinsic semiconductor has_______________?

47 / 50

In the common mode, _______________?

48 / 50

Which of the following motor will have relatively higher power factor ?

49 / 50

Which of the following protects a cable against mechanical injury___________?

50 / 50

At series or parallel resonance, the circuit power factor is ________________?

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