Electrical Engineering Quiz 51
1 / 50
If the current in a capacitor leads the voltage by 80?, the loss angle of the capacitor is_________________?
2 / 50
Ground resistance should be designed such that_____________?
3 / 50
The material used for fuse must have_____________?
4 / 50
A perfect black body is one that_____________?
5 / 50
Emitter follower is used for________________?
6 / 50
The resistance of a few meters of wire conductor in closed electrical circuit is____________?
7 / 50
If the load on a DC shunt motor is increases, its speed is slightly reduced due to______________?
8 / 50
The impurity atoms is semiconductors_____________?
9 / 50
A carrier based PWM technique in CSI is composed of____________?
10 / 50
A certain voltage divider consists of two 12 k? resistors in series. Which of the following load resistors will have the most effect on the output voltage?
11 / 50
The stability factor of a collector feedback bias circuit is_______________ that of base resistor bias?
12 / 50
Rankine cycle operating on low pressure limit of p1 an 1 high pressure limit of p2__________?
13 / 50
An isolator is installed_____________?
14 / 50
If a wire conductor of 0.2 ohm resistance is doubled in length, its resistance becomes______________?
15 / 50
The dielectric constant (relative permittivity) of glass is given by___________?
16 / 50
The sum of all phase current in a star connected primary winding with no neutral connection is equal to___________?
17 / 50
In induction motors, the length of air gap in kept as small as mechanically possible is order to have____________?
18 / 50
In a control system the output of the controller is given to_____________?
19 / 50
The converse of hardness is known as______________?
20 / 50
________________is preferred for automatic drives?
21 / 50
Synchronsizing power of a synchronous machine is_____________?
22 / 50
The time constant and R-C circuit may also be defined as the time during which the charging current falls to ________ percent of its initial maximum value
23 / 50
A crowbar is a circuit which is used to protect a_____________?
24 / 50
The voltage gain of a transistor connected in common collector arrangement is____________?
25 / 50
A.C. series motor as compared to D.C. series motor has__________?
26 / 50
In a CB amplifier the maximum efficiency could be____________?
27 / 50
The output characteristics of a JFET closely resemble the output characteristics of a ___________ valve?
28 / 50
A capacitive load in voltage source inverters generates ________________?
29 / 50
The following resistors are in parallel across a voltage source: 220? , 470? , and 560? . The resistor with the least current is______________?
30 / 50
The bedding on a cable consists of____________?
31 / 50
A hysteresis motor works on the principle of__________?
32 / 50
__________ has a low relative permeability and is used principally in field frames when cost is of primary importance and extra weight is not objectionable?
33 / 50
In any rotating machine that part which houses the conductors and in which e.m.f. induced is to be utilized is called____________?
34 / 50
For measurement of inductance having high value, we should use______________?
35 / 50
In a D.C. generator in case the resistance of the field winding is increased, then output voltage will____________?
36 / 50
Kirchhoff s law is applicable to____________?
37 / 50
The fan put of a 7400 NAND gate is_______________?
38 / 50
Which of the following material is not a semiconductor ?
39 / 50
A circuit is disconnected by isolators when____________?
40 / 50
The pressure at the furnace is minimum in case of___________?
41 / 50
Mostly, synchronous motors are of_____________?
42 / 50
The use of negative feedback ________________?
43 / 50
The speed characteristics of an induction motor closely resemble the speedload characteristics of which of the following machines?
44 / 50
In a 3 phase VSI SPWM to use a single carrier signal and preserve the features of PWM technique, the normalized carrier frequency should be____________?
45 / 50
The distributors for residential areas are______________?
46 / 50
Self-inductance of a long solenoid is______________?
47 / 50
Rotor of a motor is usually supported on ___________________ bearings?
48 / 50
Ward-Leonard control is basically a____________?
49 / 50
The increased load during summer months is due to____________?
50 / 50
Hysteresis loss in a transformer varies as CBmax = maximum flux density) ?
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