Electrical Engineering Quiz 52


Electrical Engineering Quiz 52

1 / 50

The following system is not generally used?

2 / 50

Ionization in circuit breaker is facilitated by___________?

3 / 50

The connected load of a IVMIM uir consumer is around___________?

4 / 50

Heavy duty cranes are used in________________?

5 / 50

The co-ordination number of a simple cubic structure is______________?

6 / 50

Which of the following is not a part of transformer installation ?

7 / 50

The stray line of magnetic flux is defined as_____________?

8 / 50

A differential relay measures the vector difference between_________________?

9 / 50

In D.C. generators the pole shoes are fastened to the pole core by_____________?

10 / 50

The leakage current in a crystal diode is due to _________________?

11 / 50

The direction of rotation of universal motor can be reversed the by reversing the flow of current through__________?

12 / 50

On the average the ampere-hour efficiency of an Edison cell is about__________?

13 / 50

When a body reflects entire radiation incident on it, then it is known as____________?

14 / 50

Which statement is true ?

15 / 50

Which of the following motors is non-self starting ?

16 / 50

Advantages of Cuk converter is / are_____________?

17 / 50

The repulsion-start induction-run motor is used because of___________?

18 / 50

Power loss in actual transformer is due to_________________?

19 / 50

The output of a particular Op-amp increases 8V in 12?s. The slew rate is_______________?

20 / 50

When a lead-acid battery is in fully charged condition, the color of its positive plate is__________?

21 / 50

An ideal voltage source should have______________?

22 / 50

If the distance between the two point charges become half then force between them becomes______________?

23 / 50

The inductive interference between power and communication line can be minimized by__________?

24 / 50

Slip rings are usually made of__________?

25 / 50

An open-circuit test on a transformer is conducted primarily to measure______________?

26 / 50

When a dielectric is placed in an electric field the field strength____________?

27 / 50

Caking coals are those which__________?

28 / 50

The ratio of ampere-hour efficiency to watt-hour efficiency of a lead-acid cell is____________?

29 / 50

If one of the resistors in a parallel circuit is removed, the total resistance_____________?

30 / 50

The expected useful life of an hydroelectric power station is around_________________?

31 / 50

If there are a total of 120 mA into a parallel circuit consisting of three branches, and two of the branch currents are 40 mA and 10 mA, the third branch current is_________________?

32 / 50

For a purely inductive circuit which of the following is true ?

33 / 50

at a point is equal to the negative potential gradient at that point?

34 / 50

As per Faraday?s laws of electromagnetic induction, an e.m.f. is induced in a conductor whenever it_______________?

35 / 50

In a D.C. series motor, if the armature current is reduced by 50%, the torque of the motor will be equal to

36 / 50

In graphite, bonding is____________?

37 / 50

_______________is a closed loop system?

38 / 50

A carbon resistor contains_____________?

39 / 50

The class B push-pull circuit can deliver 100 W of a.c. output power. What should be the minimum power rating of each transistor ?

40 / 50

Between the incoming and outgoing devices in voltage commutation

41 / 50

No-load current of a transformer has_____________?

42 / 50

The force between two charges is 120 N. If the distance between the charges is doubled, the force will be________________?

43 / 50

Cells are connected in series in order to_____________?

44 / 50

To measure radio frequency, the suitable frequency meter is_______________?

45 / 50

Which of the following is most difficult to fabricate in an IC ?

46 / 50

Due to which of the following reasons excessive bond width in control systems should be avoided ?

47 / 50

In practice, voltage gain is expressed______________?

48 / 50

An opamp has a slew rate of 5V/ S. the largest sine wave o/p voltage possible at a frequency of 1MHz is____________?

49 / 50

Two 3.3 k? resistors are in series and this series combination is in parallel with a 4.7 k? resistor. The voltage across one of the 3.3 k? resistors is 12 V. The voltage across the 4.7 k? resistor is_________?

50 / 50

Which of the following will happen if the thickness of refractory wall of furnace is increased ?

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