Electrical Engineering Quiz 56


Electrical Engineering Quiz 56

1 / 50

A conductor of length L has current I passing through it, when it is placed parallel to a magnetic field. The force experienced by the conductor will be______________?

2 / 50

The conductivity of a metal is determined by____________?

3 / 50

The armature current of the synchronous motor

4 / 50

In ________ system the charging current is intermittently controlled at either a maximum or minimum value

5 / 50

In a separately excited generator supplying rated load the armature reaction.

6 / 50

In case of OR gate, no matter what the number of inputs, a____________________?

7 / 50

An oscillator produces___________oscillations?

8 / 50

The conductivity of an extrinsic semiconductor with temperature________________?

9 / 50

With gate open, the maximum anode current at which SCR is turned off from ON condition is called____________?

10 / 50

TRIAC is a semiconductor power electronic device which contains____________?

11 / 50

Which of the following is the advantage of electric braking ?

12 / 50

In an unregulated power supply, if load current increases, the output voltage _____________?

13 / 50

The purpose of providing dummy coils in a generator is____________?

14 / 50

The ratio of starting torque to running torque in a synchronous motor is____________?

15 / 50

The armature core of a D.C. generator is usually made of__________________?

16 / 50

A 3-phase synchronous motor is running clockwise. If the direction of its field current is reversed

17 / 50

If a high degree of selectivity is desired, then double-tuned circuit should have ___________ coupling?

18 / 50

The disc of an instrument using eddy current damping should be of________________?

19 / 50

The gain of an amplifier is expressed in db because_____________?

20 / 50

What will happen if the relative speed between the rotating flux of stator and rotor of the induction motor is zero ?

21 / 50

Speed control of a universal motor is achieved by__________?

22 / 50

In a A.C. series motor armature coils are usually connected to commutator____________?

23 / 50

The potential drop in the arc, in a mercury arc rectifier, varies_____________?

24 / 50

With feedback __________ increases?

25 / 50

In a certain three-branch parallel circuit, R1 has 12 mA through it, R2 has 15 mA through it, and R3 has 25 mA through it. After measuring a total of 27 mA, you can say that____________?

26 / 50

Assuming 8 bits for data, 1 bit for parity, I start bit and 2 stop bits, the number of characters that 1200 BPS communication line can transmit is__________________?

27 / 50

A PNPN device having two gates is ___________?

28 / 50

Battery operated scooter for braking uses________________?

29 / 50

Circuit breakers are essentially______________?

30 / 50

Which of the following materials has the highest value of dielectric constant___________?

31 / 50

Mercury, in arc rectifiers, is chosen for cathode because________________?

32 / 50

For a power plant which of the following constitutes running cost?

33 / 50

The critical pressure ratio of a convergent nozzle is defined as_____________?

34 / 50

A closed surface contains two equal and opposite charges. The net electric flux from the surface will be________________?

35 / 50

An LC oscillator cannot be used to produce ____________frequencies?

36 / 50

For an op-amp having differential gain Av and common-mode gain Ac the CMRR is given by___________?

37 / 50

A relay is ___________switch?

38 / 50

Hot rolled sheets have ___________ value of permeability?

39 / 50

The internal efficiency of a mercury arc rectifier depends on___________?

40 / 50

The artificial draught normally is designed to produce____________?

41 / 50

The size of the earth or ground wire is based on the______________?

42 / 50

Electric locomotives in India are manufactured at______________?

43 / 50

In a push ? pull converter, the filter capacitor can be obtained as____________?

44 / 50

A shunt generator running at 1000 r.p.m. has generated e.m.f. as 200 V. If the speed increases to 1200 r.p.m., the generated e.m.f. will be nearly_______________?

45 / 50

The percentage O2 by Weight in atmospheric air is____________?

46 / 50

Centrifugal switch disconnects the auxiliary winding of the motor at about ______ percent of synchronous speed?

47 / 50

Following will occur if level of electrolyte falls below plates____________?

48 / 50

The oscillations in a synchronous motor can be damped out by_______________?

49 / 50

If the secondary coil has Ns turns and the primary Np turns the relation between secondary and primary voltages is given by_____________?

50 / 50

The SiO2 layer in an IC acts as ________________?

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