Electrical Engineering Quiz 6
1 / 50
In an LC transistor oscillator, the active device is___________?
2 / 50
Which of the following is an electromagnetically device ?
3 / 50
A pn junction acts as a__________________?
4 / 50
For high value of diversity factor, a power station of given installed capacity will be in a position to supply?
5 / 50
Carbon rods are used in wet and dry cells because_____________?
6 / 50
In which?of the following power plants the maintenance cost is usually high?
7 / 50
In radiative coupling, the emitter radiation field_____________?
8 / 50
A repulsion motor is equipped with__________?
9 / 50
Most sensitive galvanometer is_____________?
10 / 50
Besides a constant speed a synchronous rotor possesses which of the following advantages ?
11 / 50
The auto-starters (using three auto transformers) can be used to start cage induction motor of the following type__________?
12 / 50
n a common-source JFET amplifier, the output voltage is _____________?
13 / 50
What is the total resistance of a voltmeter on the 10 V range when the meter movement is rated for 50 ?A of full-scale current ?
14 / 50
For a consumer the most economical power factor is generally____________?
15 / 50
A transformer oil must be free from________________?
16 / 50
In ______________ the speed can be varied by changing the position of brushes?
17 / 50
With the increase in temperature, the speed of DC series motor______________?
18 / 50
You have to replace 1500 Q resistor in radio. You have no 1500 Q resistor but have several 1000 Q ones which you would connect__________?
19 / 50
The transfer function of PWM is generally developed in______________?
20 / 50
For a D.C. shunt motor if the excitation is changed_______________?
21 / 50
When the demand of consumers is not met by a power plant, it will resort to which of the following?
22 / 50
In a commutator_____________?
23 / 50
Form factor of a rectifier is the ratio of ______________?
24 / 50
An open coil has_____________?
25 / 50
To limit short-circuit current in a power system are used______________?
26 / 50
The breakdown of insulation of the cable can be avoided economically by the use of___________?
27 / 50
In case of _________________ free running and coasting periods are generally long ?
28 / 50
Cables, generally used beyond 66 kV are___________?
29 / 50
Which of the following power plant has least fuel transportation______________?
30 / 50
Hopkinson?s test on D.C. machines is conducted at_______________?
31 / 50
The crawling in the induction motor is caused by____________?
32 / 50
Which of the following statements regarding a reluctance motor is incorrect ?
33 / 50
The air resistance to the movement of the train is proportional to_____________?
34 / 50
Phase margin of a system is used to specify which of the following ?
35 / 50
The parameter hie stands for input impedance in _____________?
36 / 50
The ionization potential of mercury is approximately_____________?
37 / 50
When the initial conditions of a system are specified to be zero it implies that the system is______________?
38 / 50
A zener diode has ________________?
39 / 50
Which of the following methods does not take into account the maximum temperature rise under variable load conditions ?
40 / 50
To avoid the effect of stray magnetic field in A.C. bridges we can use_______________?
41 / 50
Tractive effort is required to_____________?
42 / 50
For closer tolerances which of the following capacitors is usually preferred ?
43 / 50
Synchronous motors are generally not self-starting because:
44 / 50
For a hole which of the following statements is incorrect ?
45 / 50
The initial permeability of an iron rod is________________?
46 / 50
When an iron piece is placed in a magnetic field_____________?
47 / 50
Kingdom Protoctista includes_______________?
48 / 50
While applying Fleming?s right-hand rule to And the direction of induced e.m.f., the thumb points towards___________?
49 / 50
In class A operation, the operating point is generally located_____________of the d.c. load line?
50 / 50
For measurements on high voltage capacitors, the suitable bridge is_______________?
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