Electrical Engineering Quiz 69
1 / 50
In an actual transformer the iron loss remains practically constant from no load to full load because:____________?
2 / 50
Lead-acid cell has a life of nearly charges and discharges______________?
3 / 50
Open circuited armature coil of a D.C. machine is________________?
4 / 50
For transmission of power over a distance of 500 km, the transmission voltage should be in the range?
5 / 50
Lagging of changes in the magnetization of a substance behind changes in the magnetic field as the magnetic field is varied is known as magnetic_____________?
6 / 50
An amplifier using an opamp with slew rate SR=1v/sec has a gain of 40db.If this amplifier has to faithfully amplify sinusoidal signals from dc to 20KHz without introducing any slew-rate induced distortion, then the input signal level exceed_____________?
7 / 50
For handling greater currents induction wattmeters are used in conjunction with______________?
8 / 50
The insulation on a current carrying conductor is provided__________?
9 / 50
The leakage flux in a transformer depends upon______________?
10 / 50
Power for lighting in passanger coach, in a long distance electric train, is provided_________________?
11 / 50
The underground system cannot be operated above_________________?
12 / 50
It is desirable to operate the arc furnaces at power factor of_____________?
13 / 50
A synchronous motor can be started by________?
14 / 50
The unit of capacitance is__________?
15 / 50
The forbidden gap in an insulator is________________?
16 / 50
Which of the following is an essential part of a motor meter ?
17 / 50
Hard steel is suitable for making permanent magnets because_____________?
18 / 50
In parallel resonance, there is _______________?
19 / 50
There are ______________ h parameters of a transistor?
20 / 50
In a synchronous motor running with fixed excitation, when the load is increased three times, its torque angle becomes approximately
21 / 50
The direction of rotation of an hysteresis motor is determined by____________?
22 / 50
Negative feedback is employed in __________________?
23 / 50
Which of the following should be done to make an unstable system stable ?
24 / 50
In all base driver amplifiers__________?
25 / 50
The vafcie of transformation ratio of an induction motor can be found by__________?
26 / 50
A trivalent impurity has______________valence electrons?
27 / 50
According to application, instruments are classified as_____________?
28 / 50
A string of n parallel SCRs is operated at 72 KA, the rating of each SCR is 1 K If derating factor of the string is 0.1. value of n will be___________?
29 / 50
The frame of an induction motor is usually made of____________?
30 / 50
Pure inductive circuit takes power from the A.C. line when_________?
31 / 50
In the above circuit the current ix is___________?
32 / 50
In a pnp transistor, the current carriers are______________?
33 / 50
A semiconductor has generally_______________valence electrons?
34 / 50
The amount of air which is supplied for complete combustion is called___________?
35 / 50
Following power plant has instant starting?
36 / 50
When current feedback (negative) is applied to an amplifier, its output impedance ________________?
37 / 50
The injected e.m.f. in the rotor of induction motor must have__________?
38 / 50
A 30 V Zener will have depletion layer width_______________ that of 10 V Zener?
39 / 50
Which of the following is expected to have the maximum permeability ?
40 / 50
An SCR is turned off by _________________?
41 / 50
The most popular form of IC package is _____________?
42 / 50
In a charged capacitor the energy resides in________________?
43 / 50
Internal resistance of a cell is reduced by__________?
44 / 50
The ripple factor of a half-wave rectifier is_________________?
45 / 50
In the above question, what is the power in sidebands ?
46 / 50
Disc windings are primarily used in_____________-?
47 / 50
A controller, essentially, is a________________?
48 / 50
Overhead lines for power supply to tramcars are at a minimum height of______________?
49 / 50
____________is a part of the human temperature control system?
50 / 50
The apparent power drawn by an A.C. circuit is 10 kVA and active power is 8 kW. The reactive power in the circuit is_________?
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