English Literature Quiz 11
1 / 50
Horace?s doctrine ?ut pictura poesis? was interpreted to mean______________?
2 / 50
The Romantic Revival in English Poetry was influenced by the ?
3 / 50
Who wrote this famous line: ?Shall I compare thee to a summer?s day/ Thou art more lovely and more temperate? ?
4 / 50
Essays of Ella are ?
5 / 50
Which cultural event(s) led to the rise of Modernism ?
6 / 50
What did Dante have in common with Aquinas ?
7 / 50
The following sound influencing the preceding one is an instance of __________ assimilation?
8 / 50
Which of the following statements is true of the Anglo-Irish War ?
9 / 50
Which of the following poems is considered to be the most neglected of Shakespeare?s ?
10 / 50
WorldWar I drastically changed the political and cultural climate in Europe. Which of the following was NOT among the changes brought about by World War I ?
11 / 50
John Milton was 34 when he married Mary Powell. How old was she ?
12 / 50
In Shakespeare tragedy, the hero is________________?
13 / 50
Which of the following controversial ideas surround the life and work of William Shakespeare ?
14 / 50
Arthur Miller?s Death of A Salesman was appeared in _______________?
15 / 50
According to Margot Norris, what is the significance of guilt in Finnegans Wake ?
16 / 50
Trauma theory primarily developed out of the work of which psychoanalyst ?
17 / 50
Fill in the blank. Although Sir Philip Sidney is writing 200 years before the ?. revolution, he presents a very inward and self-absorbed narrator in ?Astrophil and Stella.? ?
18 / 50
Which of the following sixteenth-century poets was not a courtier ?
19 / 50
Who, among the following writers, was not educated at Christ?s Hospital School, London ?
20 / 50
Which of the following poets did NOTwrite about his experiences in World War II ?
21 / 50
What is the main function of literary theory ?
22 / 50
Wordsworth is a ______________ poet ?
23 / 50
The statements below are parts of the steps on ?How to Explicate Poetry?. Which comes in as second to the last thing to do before writing a critical essay of a poem ?
24 / 50
Which of the following best describes theidea of the symbol among French Symbolist poets ?
25 / 50
Professor Hammer argues that Marianne Moore?s poem ?England? suggests which of the following ?
26 / 50
Who translated the New Testament into German for the first time ?
27 / 50
In De Monarchia, what political opinion does Dante express about empire ?
28 / 50
?The Rainbow? is a novel written by______________?
29 / 50
Macbeth hires assassins to murder Banquo?s son, named ?
30 / 50
Professor Hammer argues that in Hart Crane?s poem ?Legend,? Crane introduces himself to his readers. The poem opens with the lines: ?As silent as a mirror is believed/ Realities plunge in silence by ?/I am not ready for repentance;? according to Professor Hammer, Crane?s refusal to repent is an assertion of which of the following ?
31 / 50
In Anglo-Saxon heroic poetry, what is the fate of those who fail to observe the sacred duty of blood vengeance ?
32 / 50
The ambitious spirits of his brother chieftain Sassacus, had ever aspired to dominion over the allied tribes ? and immediately after the appearance of the English, the same temper was manifest in a jealousy of their encroachments. He employed all his art and influence and authority, to unite the tribes for the extirpation of the dangerous invaders. Mononotto, on the contrary, averse to all hostility, and foreseeing no danger from them, was the advocate of a hospitable reception, and pacific conduct. What does ?extirpation? mean ?
33 / 50
A critic of Thomas Otway?s ?Venice Preserv?d? wishes to know why the play?s conspirators, despite the horrible, bloody details of their obviously brutish plan, are portrayed in a sympathetic light. She examines the author?s life and times and discovers that there are obvious similarities between the conspiracy in the play and the Popish Plot. She is most likely a critic ?
34 / 50
The distinction between comedy and tragedy which characterized classical drama was first forgotten during what period in England ?
35 / 50
In The Dubliners, which story/stories provide(s) an example of unrequited passion ?
36 / 50
George Eliot?s novel Romola is a________________?
37 / 50
The character of Falstaff is important in which play(s) by William Shakespeare ?
38 / 50
Which of the following is an unfinished novel by Jane Austen ?
39 / 50
Preface to the Lyrical Ballads was written by_______________?
40 / 50
In Medieval times, who were ?femme soles? ?
41 / 50
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of ?Realism? as an artistic and literary movement ?
42 / 50
The mask in Paul Laurence Dunbar?s poem, ?We Wear the Mask,? represents_____________?
43 / 50
What is dialectical materialism ?
44 / 50
Identify the character in The Tempest who is referred to as an honest old counselor ?
45 / 50
How many principal sources of sublimity are there according to Longinus ?
46 / 50
In which century was Piers Plowman written ?
47 / 50
?Renaissance? is a ?
48 / 50
To what did the word the roman, from which the genre of ?romance?emerged, initially apply ?
49 / 50
?The Conduct of the Allies? is a famous work of_____________?
50 / 50
Why is the concept of the sublime important in Gothic literature ?
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