English Literature Quiz 12
1 / 50
Christopher Marlowe?s ?Faustus? is an example of what dramatic genre ?
2 / 50
What is mimesis ?
3 / 50
Find the Odd man out ?
4 / 50
The two sounds influencing each other and combine to produce a third sound is an instance of ________________assimilation?
5 / 50
In Ralph Ellison?s Invisible Man, living underground is symbolic of_____________?
6 / 50
In the play, ?Richard III,? who speaks of ?the winter of our discontent? (I.i.1) ?
7 / 50
Which phrase indicates the interior flow of thought employed in high-modern literature ?
8 / 50
In The Purgatorio, how does Dante depict the punishment of the proud penitents ?
9 / 50
Which of the following poets would be least likely to explore the meaning of beauty or imagination in a poem ?
10 / 50
?Left the house of the subscriber, bounden servant, Hezekiah Mudge?had on when he went away, grey coat, leather breeches, master?s third best hat. One pound currency reward to whoever shall lodge him in any jail in the province.? Hezekiah Mudge is a ?bounden servant,? meaning that he is bound by contract to be a servant (essentially a willing slave) for seven years in repayment for____________?
11 / 50
In what year was the Fugitive Slave Act passed ?
12 / 50
The goods identified and agreed upon at the time a contract of sale is made are called_______________?
13 / 50
Which poem of Coleridge is an opium dream ?
14 / 50
What is the central idea of Ferdinand de Saussure?s Course in General Linguistics ?
15 / 50
Which among the following dimensions can the vowels in English be classified ?
16 / 50
The Ding__Dong theory of the origin of language was advanced by_______________?
17 / 50
Trauma theory primarily developed out of the work of which psychoanalyst ?
18 / 50
Which of the following is not an example of Restoration comedy ?
19 / 50
Who is described? ?For dignity composed and high exploit: But all was false and hollow? ?
20 / 50
The literary style of Virginia Woolf?s novel ?To the Lighthouse? is best described in which of the following ways ?
21 / 50
Religion played a pivotal part in Elizabethan life. Protestants, Catholics, Puritans, and other religious groups jostled for power and survival in uncertain times. In 1559, an Act of Parliament was passed which determined the ?supreme governor? of all things spiritual. Who was it ?
22 / 50
In Paradise Lost, Book I, Satan is the embodiment of Milton?s ?
23 / 50
What word did writers in this period use to express quickness of mind, inventiveness, a knack for conceiving images and metaphors and for perceiving resemblances between things apparently unlike ?
24 / 50
How did travel at the time of the Crusades impact Western Europe ?
25 / 50
Which of the following is not a poetic tradition ?
26 / 50
The Constitution of 1962, provided Federation consisting centre and _________________ provinces?
27 / 50
What is an anchoress ?
28 / 50
How many classes of morphemes can be identified in a language ?
29 / 50
Which of the following statements about slavery is true ?
30 / 50
When did William Wordsworth marry Mary Hutchinson ?
31 / 50
Who in Hamlet suggests that one should neither be a lender nor a borrower ?
32 / 50
Why did Miss Havisham remain a spinster throughout her life in ?Great Expectations? ?
33 / 50
In which chapter of Biographia Literaria Coleridge criticize the theory of language of Wordsworth ?
34 / 50
Complete the following sentence. Professor Hammer argues that Ezra Pound?s interest in fascism and his anti-Semitic views were likely an outcome of his______________?
35 / 50
How many books were included in the secondedition of the poem Paradise Lost ?
36 / 50
Which of the following best characterizes the ways that Radcliffe?s The Mysteries of Udolpho links the Gothic novel with the sentimental form ?
37 / 50
The first stanza of the poem provides an idea that it is______________?
38 / 50
Which of the following offers the best definition of ?criture f?minine ?
39 / 50
In what year did Ireland acquire national independence ?
40 / 50
Which of the following characteristics is NOT closely associated with a comedy of manners ?
41 / 50
In The Purgatorio, how does Dante represent the entryway to the seventh terrace of lust ?
42 / 50
What does Ben Jonson mean by a ?Humorous Character? ?
43 / 50
Which of the following is true about the target audience for John Saffin?s pamphlet ?
44 / 50
A pattern of accented and unaccented syllables in lines of poetry ?
45 / 50
When did John Milton die ?
46 / 50
Fill in the blank. A ____________ was a spectacle performed at court or at the manor of a member of the nobility and was staged to glorify the court or the particular aristocrat?
47 / 50
The annals of Massachusetts Bay will inform us, that of six governors, in the space of about forty years from the surrender of the old charter, under James II., two were imprisoned by a popular insurrection ? a third, as Hutchinson inclines to believe, was driven from the province by the whizzing of a musket ball ? a fourth, in the opinion of the same historian, was hastened to his grave by continual bickerings with the house of representatives ? and the remaining two, as well as their successors, till the Revolution, were favored with few and brief intervals of peaceful sway. What is an ?insurrection? ?
48 / 50
In order to become an artist, what does Stephen Dedalus sacrifice from his life ?
49 / 50
What did T. S. Eliot attempt to combine, though not very successfully, in his plays Murder in the Cathedral and The Cocktail Party ?
50 / 50
Who is the father of English Literature ?
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