English Literature Quiz 13
1 / 50
Beecher Stowe wrote ?Uncle Tom?s Cabin? to illustrate the evils of_________________?
2 / 50
What is the title of the poem that begins thus ? ?What is this life, if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare? ?
3 / 50
Which of the following is not an example of Restoration comedy ?
4 / 50
Which best describes the work of a mystic ?
5 / 50
In which of the following Genres did Victorian Literature achieve its greatest success_______________?
6 / 50
Complete the following sentence. Neoclassicism most paralleled Enlightenment thought in its_______________?
7 / 50
A stipulation in contract of sale with reference to goods which are the subject there of may be_______________?
8 / 50
Which of the following best describes the types of imagery used in Louis Zukofsky?s poem, ?A: Seventh Movement: There Are Different Techniques? ?
9 / 50
Who in the Romantic period developed a new novelistic language for the workings of the mind in flux ?
10 / 50
Syllables in which the consonant functions as nucleus are called________?
11 / 50
Which topic(s) is/are explored in The Lais of Marie de France ?
12 / 50
In the play, ?Henry V,? the Chorus serves to do which of the following ?
13 / 50
Who is contemporary of William Shakespeare ?
14 / 50
Which of the following charges were commonly leveled at the novel by its detractors at the dawn of the Romantic era ?
15 / 50
How did French become the dominant language of England ?
16 / 50
?I have no other but a woman?s reason I think him so, because I think him so? Which of Shakespeare?s play contain above lines ?
17 / 50
Firdausi was the poet of________________?
18 / 50
With which theorist is the term identity thinking most closely associated ?
19 / 50
Wilfred Owen?s war poem ?Dulce et Decorum est? ends with which of the following Latin phrases ?
20 / 50
The name ?Ars Poetica? (Art of Poetry) was given to Horace?s Epistle to the Pisos by____________?
21 / 50
With which other poet did Samuel Taylor Coleridge founded the Romantic movement in English Literature ?
22 / 50
Which poet emphasized on rustic language in Poetry ?
23 / 50
What is defamiliarization ?
24 / 50
Which is true of medieval women ?
25 / 50
How would you describe the phrase ?oralformulaic,? as you learned it in this course ?
26 / 50
Who wrote ?Biographia Literaria? ?
27 / 50
Who refers to poetry as ?an imitation of nature? ?
28 / 50
The /d/ in ?middle? is an instance of __________________?
29 / 50
Who introduced in linguistics the concept of Competence and Performance ?
30 / 50
This mode of discourse relates a story________________?
31 / 50
Shelley expresses all of the following ideas in A Defence of Poetry, EXCEPT______________?
32 / 50
Which of the following statements best characterizes Georgia Douglass Johnson?s poem ?Black Woman? ?
33 / 50
What is common amongst Cardinal Newman, John Keble, Henry Newman and Stanley ?
34 / 50
Which of the following was a typically Romantic means of achieving visionary states?
35 / 50
?Samson Agonistes? differs from its source material, the Biblical book of ?Judges,? in what way(s) ?
36 / 50
The shepherd in ?The Passionate Shepherd to His Love? is_________________?
37 / 50
Othello was sent to fight with______________?
38 / 50
Adam, Satan, and Eve herself are all dazzled by Eve?s______________?
39 / 50
Which of the following may be an antagonist to the protagonist of a novel ?
40 / 50
In which capter of Biographia Lieraria, Coleridge make a distinction between fancy and imagination ?
41 / 50
In which year Mary Shelley visited the famous Frankenstein Castle, where two centuries before her visit an alchemist was engaged in experiments ?
42 / 50
Browning?s famous poem ?Rabbi Ben Ezra? is included in ?
43 / 50
Which among the following are bilabial plosive sounds in English?
44 / 50
Who wrote: ?I would prefer not to.? ?
45 / 50
What did Thomas Carlyle mean by ?Close thy Byron; open thy Goethe? ?
46 / 50
The phrase ?Pathetic fallacy? is coined by _________________?
47 / 50
What is the name for a shift in tone or meaning of a sonnet______________?
48 / 50
What statement below best sums up the literary significance of Thoreau ?
49 / 50
Who is the writer of The Caroline Period ?
50 / 50
The line ?fools are my theme, let satire be my song? demonstrates a sentiment that would likely appear in a poem by_________________?
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