English Literature Quiz 4


English Literature Quiz 4

1 / 50

S. T. Coleridge was an Associate of__________________?

2 / 50

According to Samuel Johnson, No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for_____________?

3 / 50

In Talbot county, Eastern Shore, Maryland, near Easton, the county town of that country, there is a small district of country, thily populated, and remarkable for nothing that I know of more than for the worn-out, sandy, deserts-like appearance of its soil, the general dilapidation of its farms and fences, the indigent and spiritless character of its inhabitants, and the prevalence of ague and fever. What does dilapidation mean ?

4 / 50

Who kills Macbeth at the end of the play, ?Macbeth? ?

5 / 50

According to trauma theorists, a testifying subject needs which of the following to deliver a successful testimony ?

6 / 50

Which of the following would be considered postcolonial novelists, defined as coming historically after the era of England?s large-scale imperialism ?

7 / 50

World War I affected the writing of many authors. Which of the following poets would not have been touched by that event ?

8 / 50

Why is Caedmon?s Hymn important in the history of Old English literature ?

9 / 50

Which of the following is not found in Hell ?

10 / 50

The Song of the Lotus is a poem by____________?

11 / 50

David Walker?s ?Appeal in Four Articles? argues that_________________?

12 / 50

Wines Burg Ohio______________?

13 / 50

The black language holds great importance for the_____________?

14 / 50

Which devil is Satan?s second-incommand ?

15 / 50

Which of the following couples exemplify/ exemplifies courtly love ?

16 / 50

How is ?Jane Eyre? different from the novels of the first wave of English Gothic novels ?

17 / 50

Which philosopher had a particular influence on Coleridge ?

18 / 50

John Milton was inspired by the previous works of what authors ?

19 / 50

Complete the following sentence. Matthew Arnold?s poem ?Dover Beach? is illustrative of modernist poetry, because it________________?

20 / 50

All of the following are labyrinthine in ?The Mysteries of Udolpho? EXCEPT______________?

21 / 50

Who is the famous woman novelist in Victorian Age ________?

22 / 50

Who is the writer of ?Hamlet and Oedipus? (1949) ?

23 / 50

The development of the novel is associated with all of the following EXCEPT__________________?

24 / 50

__________are articulated by raising the front of the tongue towards the hard palate ?

25 / 50

What is meant by the ?Haussmannization? of Paris ?

26 / 50

The ?s in ?boys? is ______________?

27 / 50

In The Purgatorio, the opening of the text resembles which type of poem ?

28 / 50

The Battle of the Ants is an excerpt from______________?

29 / 50

Who might be considered the friendliest and most sociable of all God?s angels ?

30 / 50

Who is the Author of the Book ?As u Like it??

31 / 50

The turbulent years of the 14th century witnessed a blending of language and culture that led to the rise of Middle English. Which of the following events led to the nickname ?the era of catastrophes? ?

32 / 50

Which of the following is not a tragedy written by Shakespeare ?

33 / 50

Which of the following most accurately describes the relationship between Darwin?s On the Origin of Species and Victorian society and its ideals ?

34 / 50

Which of the following novels display postwar nostalgia for past imperial glory ?

35 / 50

In which country is Macbeth set ?

36 / 50

In the play, ?Twelfth Night,? who rescues Sebastian after his shipwreck ?

37 / 50

Why is the concept of feudalism important in medieval literature ?

38 / 50

According to many British Romantic poets, who is the protagonist of John Milton?s ?Paradise Lost? ?

39 / 50

In Book Three of ?Paradise Lost,? God the Father alludes to what theological principle in the following quotation: ?I made him [Adam] just and right, / Sufficient to have stood though free to fall.?

40 / 50

Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks. Throughout the Middle Ages, English drama, like that of other European countries, was mainly ______________ and ______________?

41 / 50

What does hermeneutic theory suggest about how readers view literature ?

42 / 50

Which of the following became the most popular Romantic poetic form, following on Wordsworth?s claim that poetic inspiration is contained within the inner feelingsof the individual poet as the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings ?

43 / 50

What fundamental idea does psychoanalytic criticism hold about literary texts ?

44 / 50

Who is the author of Piers Plowman ?

45 / 50

Who called ?The Waste Land ?a music of ideas? ?

46 / 50

What is NOT Gothic about the room to which the female protagonist of ?The Yellow Wallpaper? is confined ?

47 / 50

According to most critics, Vita Nuova is an example of which of the following genres ?

48 / 50

The play, ?Richard III,? takes place in what country ?

49 / 50

Which of the following events occur(s) in the first book of John Milton?s ?Paradise Lost? ?

50 / 50

He wrote a journal about his expedition in northern Florida _____________?

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