English Literature Quiz 47
1 / 50
What is hermeneutics ?
2 / 50
?When I was 16 years of age, we heard a Strange Rumor among the English, that there were Extraordinary Ministers preaching from Place to Place and Strange Concern among the White People. This was in the Spring of the Year. ? After I was awakened & converted, I went to all the meetings, I could come at; & Continued under Trouble of Mind about 6 months; at which time I began to Learn the English letters; got me a Primer, and used to go to my English Neighbours frequently for Assistant in reading???
3 / 50
Let me for a few moments turn your attention to the reservations in the different states of New England, and, with but few exceptions, we shall find them as follows: the most mean, abject, miserable race of beings in the world ? a complete place of prodigality and prostitution. What does ?prodigality? mean ?
4 / 50
Wanders in that happy valley Through two luminous windows saw Spirits moving musically To a lute?s well-tun?d law, Round about a throne, where sitting (Porphyrogene!) In state his glory well befitting, The sovereign of the realm was seen. What does Porphyrogene mean ?
5 / 50
This group united 5 tribes_____________?
6 / 50
Which of the following is not a character in Paradise Lost ?
7 / 50
Which of the following statements best characterizes the role played by Gertrude Stein in American modernism ?
8 / 50
What factors contributed to the increased popularity of nonfiction prose ?
9 / 50
The poem ?London? can be best understood as ______________?
10 / 50
The style of Paradise Lost is ?
11 / 50
______________________is a processes of word formation wherein new words are coined by combining the segments of two different existing words?
12 / 50
Which of the following would probably NOT be the topic of a Romantic poem ?
13 / 50
Which of the following is a rule of semiotics ?
14 / 50
?Macbeth and Oedipus? is by_________________?
15 / 50
?A long poem is a combination of short poems.? Who has held the above opinion ?
16 / 50
What does Elaine Showalter argue about gender in terms of representations of the character of Ophelia in William Shakespeare?s Hamlet ?
17 / 50
All works of the highest art are meant to______________?
18 / 50
What ritual does the character resembling the devil attempt to perform in the woods, with goodman Brown as the object ?
19 / 50
The present__tense form of the verb ?read? and its past__tense which is pronounced as ?red? is an example of _____________?
20 / 50
As per Constitution of 1962 age limit for Judge of Supreme Court was______________?
21 / 50
The main plot of Richardson?s Pamela reflects the main characteristics of the sentimental novel through its emphasis on which of the following ?
22 / 50
Which of the following political themes was explored by American Objectivist poets ?
23 / 50
Which of the following statements offers the best definition of the concept of strange attractors in chaos theory ?
24 / 50
?Beauty is truth, truth is beauty? is stated by_____________?
25 / 50
The word ?Jacobean? is derived from the ___________ name Jacob, which is the original form of the English name James?
26 / 50
What is distinctive about Emily?s bedchamber at Udolpho ?
27 / 50
H.D.?s poem ?Oread? reads: ?WHIRL up, sea-/Whirl your pointed pines./Splash your great pines/On our rocks./Hurl your green over us-/Cover us with your pools of fir.? To which of the following categories does this poem belong ?
28 / 50
Renaissance thinkers argued that women should be educated______________?
29 / 50
Which of the following statements best characterizes Langston Hughes?s poem ?The Negro Speaks of Rivers? ?
30 / 50
What is denouement ____________?
31 / 50
Which scientific or technological advance did not take place in the first fifteen years of the twentieth century ?
32 / 50
Which poet defines poetry as ?the expression of the imagination? ?
33 / 50
In her essay ?The Laugh of the Medusa,? what does H?l?ne Cixous suggest for women ?
34 / 50
What Pope poem begins, ?In these deep solitudes and awful cells, / Where heav?nly-pensive contemplation dwells, / And ever-musing melancholy reigns; / What means this tumult in a vestal?s veins ??
35 / 50
How many plays didWilliam Shakespeare write ?
36 / 50
Which of the following discoveries, theories, and events contributed to Victorians feeling less like they were a uniquely special, central species in the universe and more isolated ?
37 / 50
What was the ?white man?s burden? that Kipling speaks of in his poem of the same title ?
38 / 50
According to Dante, which is necessary in order to make a perfect confession ?
39 / 50
Which poem of Tennyson was particularly like by Queen Victoria ?
40 / 50
In Beowulf, what is the significance of the term whale-road ?
41 / 50
Which of the following is true of Charles Baudelaire?s ?B?n?diction? ?
42 / 50
This term refers to the ?feeling? of a word______________?
43 / 50
?Hero and Hero worship? was written by______________?
44 / 50
William Blake?s ?Songs of Innocence and Experience? explores ________________?
45 / 50
Feminist criticism focuses on exploring which of the following aspects of literary texts ?
46 / 50
The emagery in the poem is_________________?
47 / 50
Who wrote ?Mirror for Magistrates? ?
48 / 50
According to critics, how does Dante?s underworld differ from Virgil?s hell ?
49 / 50
Who is Sharp-elbow ?
50 / 50
Which Romantic poet was famous for being ?mad, bad and dangerous to know? ?
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