English Literature Quiz 49


English Literature Quiz 49

1 / 50

Wordsworth was appointed as poet Laureate in_______________?

2 / 50

What is the difference between traditional literary criticism and post-New Criticism literary theory ?

3 / 50

Against which of the following principles did Jonathan Swift inveigh ?

4 / 50

Which of the following is the theme of De Vulgari Eloquentia ?

5 / 50

How old is Emmeline ?

6 / 50

Along the way, goodman Brown and the character who seems to be the devil meet three people______________?

7 / 50

Find the odd one out____________________?

8 / 50

Which of the following statements would Percy Shelley, author of ?A Defense of Poetry?, agree with ?

9 / 50

To whom did Edmund Spenser addresses his sonnet sequence Amoretti ?

10 / 50

Which of the following is the first novel of H. Lawrence ?

11 / 50

The Canterbury Tales is an unfinished work, wherein each pilgrim was supposed to tell more than one tale. How many tales did Chaucer originally envision each pilgrim telling ?

12 / 50

I would not have it imagined, however, that he was one of those cruel potentates of the school, who joy in the smart of their subjects; on the contrary, he administered justice with discrimination rather than severity; taking the burthen off the backs of the weak, and laying it on those of the strong. What is the meaning of the word ?smart? in this context ?

13 / 50

Many critics see similarities between the tenets of Futurism and which of the following political philosophies ?

14 / 50

In Book Four of ?Paradise Regained,? for his final temptation Satan takes Jesus to what location ?

15 / 50

How does the Encyclop?die best epitomize the mission of the Enlightenment ?

16 / 50

How is Thornfield in ?Jane Eyre? different from the structures found in the first wave of Gothic novels ?

17 / 50

William Shakespeare was______________ child of John and Mary?

18 / 50

Which of the following theorists is associated with formalism ?

19 / 50

With what literary critic is the term the author function most closely associated ?

20 / 50

Which of the following best characterizes an Elizabethan masque ?

21 / 50

?An Indian?s Looking Glass for the White Man? illustrates what genre of early American writing ?

22 / 50

Which genre is based on interactions between three feudal classes ?

23 / 50

?Tales from Shakespeare? is written by________________?

24 / 50

Which city became the perceived center of Western civilization by the middle of the nineteenth century ?

25 / 50

Which of the following statements best characterizes the central questions faced by poetry after the Holocaust ?

26 / 50

Which cultural theme is NOT referenced in Stoker?s ?Dracula? ?

27 / 50

Dryden wrote An Essay of Dramatic Poesy. Is this ?

28 / 50

Which of the following best defines mysticism ?

29 / 50

Which of these female writers was least likely to have been literate ?

30 / 50

Fill in the blank. The term ?Renaissance? literally translates as ?_____________? ?

31 / 50

Which of the following statements about the poems in Blake?s Songs of Innocence and Experience is true ?

32 / 50

One purpose of LITERARY CRITICISM is described below: A formalist approach might enable us to choose between a reading which sees the dissolution of society in Lord of the Flies as being caused by too strict a suppression of the ?bestial? side of man and one which sees it as resulting from too little suppression. We can look to the text and ask: What textual evidence is there for the suppression or indulgence of the ?bestial? side of man? Does Ralph suppress Jack when he tries to indulge his bestial side in hunting? Does it appear from the text that an imposition of stricter law and order would have prevented the breakdown? Did it work in the ?grownup? world of the novel? What purpose does this prescribe to ?

33 / 50

The New Critics were_________________?

34 / 50

Fill in the blank. In the second edition of_________________, John Foxe promised that he would edit a collection of the works of William Tyndale, John Frith, and Robert Barnes?

35 / 50

Which poet would be most likely to write a poem reflecting upon the psychological changes he has undergone since his youth ?

36 / 50

?Essays of Elia? was written by______________?

37 / 50

In ?The Gift of the Magi? Della is presented as_____________?

38 / 50

Complete the following famous line from Hamlet: Something is rotten in the state of_____________?

39 / 50

Why did the rebels of 1381 target the church, beheading the archbishop of Canterbury ?

40 / 50

Which of the following poems describe or celebrate an apocalyptic regeneration of humanity and the world effected by the creative capacity of the human mind ?

41 / 50

Aphra Behn?s Oroonoko is a transitional text in all of the following ways EXCEPT________________?

42 / 50

About Anne Bradstreet__________________?

43 / 50

Some of the movements that took place in the modernist time period include___________?

44 / 50

From where does Eliza cross into Cananda ?

45 / 50

?Lapis Lazuli? is __________________?

46 / 50

Who is Cato ?

47 / 50

Which of the following statements offers the best characterization of a Greek tragedy ?

48 / 50

Which of the following statements best represents Lacan?s view of Ophelia in his essay, ?Desire and the Interpretation of Desire in ?Hamlet?? ?

49 / 50

From where Christopher Marlowe received his early Education ?

50 / 50

John Milton?s ?Lycidas? is what genre of poetry ?

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