English Literature Quiz 50
1 / 50
In T.S. Eliot?s essay called ?Tradition and Individual Talent,? he argues that the progress of an artist consists of which of the following ?
2 / 50
Which of the following is a typically Romantic poetic form ?
3 / 50
The second series of Essays of Elia by Charles Lamb was published in ?
4 / 50
What do you mean by Stanza ?
5 / 50
The play, ?Macbeth,? is set in what country ?
6 / 50
Who calls poetry ?the breadth and finer spirit of all knowledge? ?
7 / 50
According to a theater licensing act, repealed in 1843, what was meant by legitimate drama ?
8 / 50
Which of the following figures is considered to be the father of the linguistic theory known as structuralism ?
9 / 50
The importance of Lucy Terry?s ?Bars Fight? is______________?
10 / 50
In the play, ?Richard III,? who speaks of ?the winter of our discontent? (I.i.1) ?
11 / 50
Ralph Waldo Emerson was a mentor for a number of early American writers, including_______________?
12 / 50
Which statement about the Earth is asserted as true in Paradise Lost ?
13 / 50
?And then hopped sidewise to the Wall?. Here the poet personifies the bird as a______________?
14 / 50
?The Alchemist? is written by_______________?
15 / 50
The character named Comus is often seen by critics as a prototype of what character Milton later portrayed ?
16 / 50
During the period of which king did Chaucer fight in the English Army for the Hundred Years? War between France and England ?
17 / 50
In Chapter XV of William Wells Brown?s Clotel, what characteristic of the sentimental novel is evident ?
18 / 50
Would you tell Sordelo (Browning) as a______________?
19 / 50
For his poems, Shakespeare is thought to have drawn upon all of the following for influence and ideas EXCEPT ?
20 / 50
Who is Thomas Percy in Henry IV, Pt I ?
21 / 50
Elizabethans had many occupational choices. One could become an apothecary, clerk, physician, or even court jester. Though there seemed to be a myriad of careers to choose from, most people still ended up being very poor. In order to survive, what illegal activity did a large number of citizens pursue ?
22 / 50
Which of the following is NOT a feature or characteristics of Emily Dickinson?s poetry ?
23 / 50
But when to their feminine rage the indignation of the people is added, when the ignorant and the poor are aroused, when the unintelligent brute force that lies at the bottom of society is made to growl and mow, it needs the habit of magnanimity and religion to treat it godlike as a trifle of no concernment. What does ?mow? mean in this context ?
24 / 50
As per section 4(2), of The Sale of Goods Act, a contract of sale may be _________________?
25 / 50
Who wrote The Rules of Courtly Love ?
26 / 50
Which of the Marlowe?s plays were written in collaboration with Thomas Nash ?
27 / 50
Following are the lines of: ?I?m your wife if you marry me If not, I?ll die your maid to be your fellow You may deny me, but I?ll be your servant Whether you deny or not? ?
28 / 50
Which of the following best defines Utilitarianism ?
29 / 50
Which of the following statements best characterizes the difference between World War II poetry and Futurist poetry ?
30 / 50
What is ?scholasticism? as it relates to the medieval era ?
31 / 50
Until recent years it was thought that Harriet Jacob?s Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl was____________?
32 / 50
Section 58, of The Sale of Goods Act provide right of suit for Specific Performance of Contract on the part of ________________?
33 / 50
Whom did monster demand to Victor Frankenstein to create for him ?
34 / 50
Who said that Arnold was a propagandist for literature rather than a critic ?
35 / 50
In The Paradiso, how does Dante?s journey through heaven end ?
36 / 50
The first Englishwoman to earn her living as a playwright was______________?
37 / 50
What led to the alliterative revival ?
38 / 50
The Cardinal virtues of the Houyhnhnms are__________________?
39 / 50
With which feminist theorist is gynocriticism most closely associated ?
40 / 50
Which people began their invasion and conquest of southwestern Britain around 450 ?
41 / 50
Which among the following implies the underlying rules governing the combination and organization of the elements of language ?
42 / 50
What does Judith Butler mean when she suggests that gender is ?performed? ?
43 / 50
Geoffrey Chaucer served which king ?
44 / 50
Which writer spent more than twelve years imprisoned in the Tower of London ?
45 / 50
How was the priest?s son?s prayer answered ?
46 / 50
Which of the following women is widely considered the first feminist ?
47 / 50
Which of the following statements best characterizes the contrast between T.S. Eliot?s ?The Waste Land? and the futurist aesthetic project ?
48 / 50
Some critics of literary theory argue that literary theory is problematic for which reason ?
49 / 50
What was the first published title of Christopher Marlow?s play The Jew of Malta ?
50 / 50
A language come into existence when_____________?
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