English Literature Quiz 54


English Literature Quiz 54

1 / 50

According to Pizan, what is the most important element in a woman?s quest for equality ?

2 / 50

Who were the troubadours ?

3 / 50

Whom did the corn clan member pray to for help ?

4 / 50

In Walden, who urges people to simplify their lives and look to nature for meaning ?

5 / 50

How many times does Satan work to tempt Jesus in the Gospels ?

6 / 50

How do Shem the Penman and Shaun the Post differ ?

7 / 50

In the play, ?Macbeth,? how does Macbeth kill Duncan ?

8 / 50

Who is the representative of the metaphysical poets ?

9 / 50

The last decade of the nineteenth century saw the development of a number of literary and cultural movements which amounted to a rejection of the principles of Victorianism because of which social transformations ?

10 / 50

The Jacobean era ended with a severe economic depression in 1620-1626, complicated by a serious outbreak of ____________in London in 1625 ?

11 / 50

Who introduced the character of the ?tragic mulatto? ?

12 / 50

What is study of meter, rhythm and intonation of a poem called as _______________-?

13 / 50

Who wrote the poem ?Solitary Reaper? ?

14 / 50

How does Sam secretly alert Eliza to Mr.Haley?s presence outside the inn ?

15 / 50

For inspiration in writing the poem, Milton says he depends on________________?

16 / 50

In which book of the Republic did Plato ban poets from his ideal world ?

17 / 50

John Dryden?s poem ?Annus Mirabilis? emphasizes the solution to which of the following important Restoration problems or events ?

18 / 50

What is Augustine St. Clare?s selfish wife?s name ?

19 / 50

Siegfried Sassoon?s poem ?To Victory? is concerned primarily with which of the following themes ?

20 / 50

Themes in colonial time period ?

21 / 50

Only a small proportion of medieval books survive, large numbers having been destroyed in______________?

22 / 50

?Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man and writing an exact man.?- Who told it ?

23 / 50

In ?A Midsummer Night?s Dream,? who says ?Lord, what fools these mortals be!? (III.ii.15) ?

24 / 50

Which of the following literary sub periods does NOT fall under the Neoclassical Period ?

25 / 50

Which statement below best paraphrases what John Winthrop meant when he declared that the MBC would be as a ?city upon a hill? ?

26 / 50

What is the most notable characteristic of Ezra Pound?s ?In a Station at the Metro? ?

27 / 50

According to Plato, what is the moral purpose of art ?

28 / 50

Stopping on a snowy Evening_____________?

29 / 50

The classification of vowels into half__close vowels and half__open vowels is based on ________________?

30 / 50

Who considers poetry ?a mother of lies? ?

31 / 50

The Gothic novel, a popular genre for the Romantics, exemplified in the writing of Horace Walpole and Ann Radcliffe, could contain which of the following elements ?

32 / 50

According to Jacques Lacan, the mirror stage is the point at which a child _______________?

33 / 50

Who is the author of Utopia ?

34 / 50

?Renaissance? means___________________?

35 / 50

Who in the Romantic period developed a new novelistic language for the workings of the mind in flux ?

36 / 50

Which of the following is considered the first great work in world literature ___________?

37 / 50

Fill in the blank. Christopher Marlowe?s influence on William Shakespeare was in all probability _______________?

38 / 50

Shelley?s Adonais is an elegy on the death of _______________?

39 / 50

Which of the following descriptors does NOT apply to the features of French Symbolist poetry that influenced other modernist poetry ?

40 / 50

In The Inferno, what quality does Virgil represent ?

41 / 50

Who was often called as the Romantic Poet as most of his poems revolved around nature ?

42 / 50

What is the name of Wordsworth?s long poem ?

43 / 50

Who uttered these words ?Beauty is truth, truth is beauty, that is all? ?

44 / 50

The statements below are steps on ?How to Read and Understand an Expository Essay?. Which comes in as an initial thing to do before writing an expository essay ?

45 / 50

Which of the following is not one of the 4 part of Puritan Sermon ?

46 / 50

Which poet asserted in practice and theory the value of representing rustic life and language as well as social outcasts and delinquents not only in pastoral poetry, common before this poet?s time, but also as the major subject and medium for poetry in general ?

47 / 50

In ?In Memorium?, Tennyson mourns the death of ________________?

48 / 50

Which of the following is NOT a modernist art movement ?

49 / 50

Which of the following plays was actually performed on stage ?

50 / 50

What is the meaning of ?Renaissance? ?

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