English Literature Quiz 58


English Literature Quiz 58

1 / 50

How does Lady Macbeth explain her husband?s wild behavior at the banquet ?

2 / 50

Who is Eliza?s mother ?

3 / 50

Paradise Lost was originally written in ?

4 / 50

Which of the following is not associated with high modernism in the novel ?

5 / 50

Aristotle?s critical work is entitled_______________?

6 / 50

The Petrarchan sonnet is typically composed in what form of meter ?

7 / 50

Which of the following authors is considered a major theorist of deconstruction ?

8 / 50

Which of these was not one of Shakespeare?s plays ?

9 / 50

Which among the following is an example for portmanteau__________________?

10 / 50

A neoclassical poet would be most likely to compose a poem celebrating which of the following ideals ?

11 / 50

Which of the following did Milton not advocate in print in the 1640s and 1650s ?

12 / 50

Fill in the blank. Prior to the rise of the famed tragedians of the late 1580s,_____________ were the great headliners of the Elizabethan stage?

13 / 50

According to the height to which the tongue is raised, vowels can be classified into __________?

14 / 50

In ?A Defense of Poetry,? Percy Shelley argues that humans have an impulse to ____________________?

15 / 50

How does the motif of the wandering Jew figure in ?The Monk? ?

16 / 50

Which of the following figures is the author of the 1909 ?Futurist Manifesto? ?

17 / 50

In ?Of Poetry in General,?William Hazlitt contends that good poetry comes from ____________?

18 / 50

The Charge of the Light Bridge is a poem by________________?

19 / 50

Robinson Crusoe?s isolation on a deserted island allows Defoe to explore his development in which of the following ways ?

20 / 50

Tennyson?s poem ?In Memoriam?was written in memory of ?

21 / 50

When Alfred Lord Tennyson was born ?

22 / 50

Fill in the blank. In the play, ?Macbeth,? a number of characters refer to the Three Witches as________________?

23 / 50

Which among the following pairs are Alveolar plosives ?

24 / 50

what was chaucer?s profession ?

25 / 50

From whom does Stephen borrow his idea of clarity ?

26 / 50

Aldous Huxley was a poet, but was better known as what ?

27 / 50

Parker?s report to Margaret is_________________?

28 / 50

who is considered as the model of the people during the renaissance ?

29 / 50

Which events in and after the 1960s contributed significantly to the decentralization of England from London to a more regional focus, ultimately also making way for a less homogenous vision of England and the popularity of postcolonial fiction ?

30 / 50

Yahoo?s according to Gulliver were______________?

31 / 50

?O my death mother! I am miserable, truly miserable! But yet, don?t be frightened, I am honest! God, of his goodness, keep me so!? These lines characterize Samuel Richardson?s Pamela in all of the following ways EXCEPT ______________?

32 / 50

In ?The Monk? what event does NO represent the theme of entrapment of women ?

33 / 50

In ?Everyman,? which of the following provides the path to redemption in the afterlife ?

34 / 50

According to the essay ?A Defense of Poetry,? which of the following is one of the two ?classes of mental action? ?

35 / 50

The importance of Freedom?s Journal was____________?

36 / 50

In which work do you read: ?In Xanadu did Kubla Khan / A stately pleasure dome decree?? ?

37 / 50

Which of the following themes is/are addressed in Ulysses ?

38 / 50

Section 57, of the Sale of Goods Act, deals with_____________?

39 / 50

Jane Austen?s ?Northanger Abbey? pursues which of the following themes ?

40 / 50

From where Matthew Arnold took the story for his Sohras and Rustam ?

41 / 50

In which of the following works is the social outcast represented and addressed ?

42 / 50

Who is the writer of The Restoration Period ?

43 / 50

Marlowe?s poem ?The Passionate Shepherd to His Love? begins with the line ?Come live with me and be my love?; which other English author wrote a famous poem beginning with this line ?

44 / 50

Which of the following offers the best description of literary theory ?

45 / 50

How did the interaction between the English and the Bretons affect literature ?

46 / 50

This literary critic warned: ?We must remember that the greater part of our current reading matter is written for us by people who have no real belief in a supernatural order . . . And the greater part . . . is coming to be written by people who not only have no such belief, but are even ignorant of the fact that there are still people in the world so ?backward? or so ?eccentric? as to continue to believe.? ?

47 / 50

Who became a favorite of Queen Elizabeth I and was knighted and appointed captain of the Queen?s Guard in 1587 ?

48 / 50

Fill in the blank. Th ?. was a movement that had profound implications not only for the modern world in general but also for literary history.

49 / 50

Using words or letters to imitate sounds_____________?

50 / 50

Which of the following statements about The Canterbury Tales is true ?

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