English Literature Quiz 68
1 / 50
In 1583, which playwright became in control of the first Blackfriars Theatre along with director William Hunnis ?
2 / 50
Which of the following themes or ideas are closely associated with the Native American way of life ?
3 / 50
Which of the following are characters of ?Much ado about nothing? ?
4 / 50
One of the central themes of Wordsworth?s ?Peter Bell? is _________________?
5 / 50
Eve before the Fall might best be described as ?
6 / 50
Ezra Pound?s ?Canto I? opens with the following lines: ?And then went down to the ship,/Set keel to breakers, forth on the godly sea, and(?).? Which of the following statements best characterizes these lines and the poem as a whole ?
7 / 50
Graham Greene?s novels are marked by ?
8 / 50
In The Inferno, who initially leads him around hell ?
9 / 50
Usher can only stand types of noises in his acutely uncomfortable state. The narrator describes a number of impromptus that Usher plays for him on which instrument ?
10 / 50
Which theorist is associated with the idea that art is a copy of a copy ?
11 / 50
Who wrote ?The love song of J. Alfred Prufrock? ?
12 / 50
In the play, ?Macbeth,? who is the goddess of witchcraft ?
13 / 50
The churchyard of St. Paul?s Cathedral was well-known for its____________?
14 / 50
Which metrical form was Pope said to have brought to perfection ?
15 / 50
Which speaker said that ?God is more nearer to us than our own soul ??
16 / 50
Which bird did the Ancient Mariner kill ?
17 / 50
Which twelfth-century poet or poets were indebted to Breton storytellers for their narratives ?
18 / 50
Which of Shakespeare?s play is his only play that has never been adopted for film or Television ?
19 / 50
Who is the author of ?The Rime of the Ancient Mariner? ?
20 / 50
The final sounds /t/, /d/, and /id/ in the words packed, bagged and patted are instances of__________?
21 / 50
In 1905, VirginiaWoolf began to write for which publication ?
22 / 50
The Novel of Lawrence banned by the government was_________________?
23 / 50
Which angel wields a large sword in the battle and wounds Satan ?
24 / 50
Which of the following novelists best represents the mid-Victorian period?s contentment with the burgeoning economic prosperity and decreased restiveness over social and political change ?
25 / 50
What did Henry James describe as loose baggy monsters ?
26 / 50
Ecotheorists tend to show an interest in which of the following ?
27 / 50
Words such as ?edit? and ?house__keep? are instances of ____________?
28 / 50
What is humanism ?
29 / 50
Apess concludes his piece by____________?
30 / 50
In the play, ?Macbeth,? according to the witches, who will inherit the Scottish throne ?
31 / 50
Which of the following literary devices are present in Langston Hughes?s poem ?Ku Klux? ?
32 / 50
What is the full name of the novel Frankenstein ?
33 / 50
According to the Geneva School, what is the function of the reader ?
34 / 50
Which hero made his earliest appearance in Celtic literature before becoming a staple subject in French, English, and German literatures ?
35 / 50
Uneasy lies the head that_______________( King Henry four, part two)?
36 / 50
Which of the following has been a significant development in British theater since the abolition of censorship in 1968 ?
37 / 50
The literary work of ?Kubla Khan? is_________________?
38 / 50
Which college did William Wordsworth attend ?
39 / 50
Shakespeare?s only son Hamnet died in_____________?
40 / 50
With whom did John Keats have a love affair ?
41 / 50
What is the earliest surviving European poem ?
42 / 50
Where an unpaid seller has made part delivery of the goods he may exercise his right ____________?
43 / 50
To whom Edmund Spenser dedicated the work The Faerie Queene ?
44 / 50
Shakespeare made Stratford his regular home in ?
45 / 50
Who wrote: ?My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings / Look on my works ye mighty, and despair!? ?
46 / 50
Which term is most closely affiliated with the female Gothic ?
47 / 50
What event occurs in the final lines of John Milton?s ?Paradise Lost? ?
48 / 50
John Milton?s ?Areopagitica? is best described by which of the following genres ?
49 / 50
The /p/ in ?top__most? is a ______________?
50 / 50
The cautious old gentleman knit his brows tenfold closer after this explanation, being sorely puzzled by the ratiocination of the syllogism; while methought the one in pepper and salt eyed him with something of a triumphant leer. At length he observed, that all this was very well, but still he thought the story a little extravagant ? there were one or two points on which he had his doubts. ?Faith, sir,? replied the story-teller, ?as to that matter, I don?t believe one half of it myself.? This passage exemplifies_____________?
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