English Literature Quiz 73
1 / 50
In his essay ?What Is an Author?? what position(s) on authorship does Michel Foucault take ?
2 / 50
Identify the writer who first used blank verse in English poetry ?
3 / 50
Which of the following was probably not a stock phrase in eighteenth-century poetry ?
4 / 50
Which of the following lines provides an example of alliterative verse ?
5 / 50
Fill in the blank. In the play, ?A Midsummer Night?s Dream,? Puck is also known as_____________?
6 / 50
New trends in literary theory tend to do which of the following ?
7 / 50
Which of the following phrases best characterizes the late-nineteenth century aesthetic movement which widened the breach between artists and the reading public, sowing the seeds of modernism ?
8 / 50
In ?125th Street and Abomey,? Audre Lorde references images from ________________?
9 / 50
In whose reign Morality plays began ?
10 / 50
Milton continued his studies at Cambridge. Which college of the university did he attend ?
11 / 50
A tortured, dark-spirited, wry, and intellectual protagonist would most likely be found in a poem by______________?
12 / 50
Thoreau through this essay tries to portray_______________?
13 / 50
Marlowe?s play ?Tamburlaine the Great? was based loosely on the life of which Asian ruler ?
14 / 50
This governor was re-elected 30 times_________________?
15 / 50
Complete the following sentence. According to Edmund Burke, the French Revolution was________________?
16 / 50
One of Marlowe?s earliest published works was his translation of the epic poem ?Pharsalia?, written by which Roman poet ?
17 / 50
Who was Edmund Spenser?s patron ?
18 / 50
Brer Rabbit is an example of what kind of character ?
19 / 50
Which city became the perceived center of Western civilization by the middle of the nineteenth century?
20 / 50
According to Dr. Dino Felluga?s ?General Introduction to Postmodernism,? Roland Barthes, in his work ?The Death of the Author,? argues which of the following points ?
21 / 50
Which event(s) caused the Easter Rising ?
22 / 50
The Battle of Maldon describes which historical event ?
23 / 50
In Beckett?s ?Waiting for Godot?, which of the following statements best describes the play?s setting ?
24 / 50
Kempe?s acts of devotion included_________________?
25 / 50
In the demonic council of Book Two of ?Paradise Regained,? who proposes that Satan should tempt Jesus with lust for a beautiful woman the way Solomon was tempted ?
26 / 50
What characteristics of seventeenthcentury Metaphysical poetry sparked the enthusiasm of modernist poets and critics ?
27 / 50
Race relations in the North are attacked in_______________?
28 / 50
How does VirginiaWoolf?s essay ?A Room of One?s Own? contribute to feminist theory ?
29 / 50
In which work do you read: ?My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings / Look on my works ye mighty, and despair!? ?
30 / 50
What form of verse is usually sung and details a dramatic or exciting episode ?
31 / 50
This group of Native Americans believed that corn was crucial to creation ?
32 / 50
Napoleon?s decision to__________________can be understood as representative of the French Revolutionary spirit because this decision served to radically reposition France in contemporary European political affairs ?
33 / 50
Fill in the blank. John Foxe was extremely sensitive to the_______________?
34 / 50
Who was considered to be England?s first literary celebrity ?
35 / 50
Childe Harold was written by_______________?
36 / 50
Which twelfth-century poet or poets were indebted to Breton storytellers for their narratives ?
37 / 50
Section ____________, of The Sale of Goods Act deal with seller?s lien ?
38 / 50
Which of the following statements best describes the behavior of the upper-class characters in Congreve?s The Way of the World ?
39 / 50
who lost the most power during the renaissance ?
40 / 50
Jorge Luis Borges is a native of which country ?
41 / 50
A Romantic poet would be LEAST likely to celebrate __________________?
42 / 50
How does Hare outsmart Sharp-elbow to retrieve his stolen arrow ?
43 / 50
?The tragic-comedy which is the product of the English theatre is one the most monstrous inventions that ever entered into a poet?s thought.? Whose view is this ?
44 / 50
What is limbo ?
45 / 50
Which of the following lines of poetry is written in iambic pentameter ?
46 / 50
In what way is Dracula NOT an ?Other? figure ?
47 / 50
The elegy began as an ancient metrical form ?
48 / 50
Which of the following best describes the difference between literary criticism and literary theory ?
49 / 50
A critic examining Pope?s ?An Essay on Man? asks herself: How well does this poem accord with the real world? Is it accurate? Is it moral? She is most likely a critic?
50 / 50
Which of the following historical events occurred in Dante?s lifetime ?
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