Entomology Quiz 1


Entomology Quiz 1

1 / 50

A few species of ants and termites which depend on cultivated plants are_____?

2 / 50

Butter flies have antennae________________?

3 / 50

The insect head is essentially a capsule which encloses the brain and bears the usually external (ectognathous) mouthparts, the eyes and a pair of sensory antennae. The mouth part comprise basic sections as:

4 / 50

Desert locust is____?

5 / 50

The ingredient of pesticide formulation responsible for toxic effect is called_________________?

6 / 50

The parasites whose hosis are also parasites collectively termed as_____?

7 / 50

The pest which causes no significant damage but due to unjudious use of chemical they cause significant loss is called ?

8 / 50

Locomotion in response to touch is_________________?

9 / 50

Ants butterflies, wasp, moths have type of legs ________?

10 / 50

Example of inorganic pesticides are____?

11 / 50

Pheromone used against fruity fly is_____?

12 / 50

Resting stage in endopteryota is called?

13 / 50

Ingredient added in pesticide to enhance and maintain efficacy of active ingredient is______?

14 / 50

A substance used in a pesticide, it helps the spray material to adhere to the sprayed surface is called_________________?

15 / 50

Type of pheromone which get together the insects for food and mating is known as________________?

16 / 50

The collective action of environmental factors that maintain numbers of pest population with in certain limit over a time is called_______________?

17 / 50

The pest which damages the crop and causes a loss in quality or quantity which can be calculated such pest is called_______________?

18 / 50

Difference between workers and drones _______?

19 / 50

A chemical or secretions which are thrown outside the body for transmitting message to the individual of same species is_________________?

20 / 50

Diazepam is an antidote of_________________?

21 / 50

The young ones of exopteryotes butt aquatic in habit is?

22 / 50

The bees which are reared artificially as commercial business are called________________?

23 / 50

The study of functions of different parts of insects is called____?

24 / 50

The rapid reappearance of the pest population in injurious number is called_________________?

25 / 50

Type of pupae with appendages are free and no glued to the body is_________________?

26 / 50

All the practices used to control the pest population with in certain limit are called_________________?

27 / 50

Propagation and release of sterile incompatible individuals is done in pest population is called____?

28 / 50

Desert locust is____?

29 / 50

Metalegs of worker honey bee is _______?

30 / 50

The insect that parasitize the larger animals are called______?

31 / 50

Juvenile hormone ensures_______________?

32 / 50

The concentration of a toxicant that kills 50% of the exposed organism is called_________________?

33 / 50

The spreading habit of the crop caused by insect which makes cultivation, weeding and harvesting more difficult is process of________________?

34 / 50

The living organism that live in or on the bodies of other living organisms from which they get their food, during at least one stage of their existence is called________________?

35 / 50

Insects belong to class____?

36 / 50

Main kind of insect pests are_____?

37 / 50

The fleas do _______?

38 / 50

Type of reproduction in which two or more individuals are produced from a single egg______?

39 / 50

Jumping legs present in grasshopper known as_____?

40 / 50

What is DDT____?

41 / 50

Aphid is example of______?

42 / 50

Against sucking and chewing insect pest we apply_____?

43 / 50

Lac is produced by insect_________________?

44 / 50

The parasites which capable of parasitizing a considerable number of host species is called______?

45 / 50

The pest population at which control measure should be taken to prevent the pest population to build up to reach economic injury level is called_________________?

46 / 50

Any organism which harms or causes damage to man directly or indirectly is called ?

47 / 50

Types of pheromones which alert the insect from any danger known as____?

48 / 50

Queen and drones have_______________number of chromosome ?

49 / 50

What is function of deterrent____?

50 / 50

Total complete resistance against any adverse condition is called_________________?

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