Entomology Quiz 5


Entomology Quiz 5

1 / 50

The study of form and structure of insects are called____?

2 / 50

The quality a of a pesticide to remain as an effective residue because of its low volatility and chemical stability is termed as____?

3 / 50

Legless larvae of coleopteran having a tiny head and a few sense organs is________________?

4 / 50

All the practices used to control the pest population with in certain limit are called_________________?

5 / 50

Fire flies are________________?

6 / 50

Insect body divided into external grooves called Sutures____?

7 / 50

Male mosquitoes have antennae while female mosquitoes have antennae____?

8 / 50

Butterflies having wing coupling apparatus is____?

9 / 50

A chemical which attracts pest to a trap is called____?

10 / 50

The living organisms that are smaller, weaker or less intelligent than be predor is called______?

11 / 50

The parasite which requires only one host for its complete life cycle is called________________?

12 / 50

Which is the strongest animal of the world_________________?

13 / 50

What types of insects are injurious____?

14 / 50

larvae with cylindrical, elongated, narrow body anterionly and with out legs is____?

15 / 50

Type of reproduction in which young ones Produced form unfertilized eggs is________________?

16 / 50

Royal Jelly made up of____?

17 / 50

Potential pest also called____?

18 / 50

Most of the insect require____?

19 / 50

A chemical which inhibits clotting mechanisms of the blood is called ____?

20 / 50

The main body regions of insects are called______?

21 / 50

Pesticide group which goes into the system of host and kills pest without harming host is called_________________?

22 / 50

A population or group of insects composed of a single genotype is called_______?

23 / 50

The young one of holemetabola is_______________?

24 / 50

The insect skeleton is composed of series of plates called____?

25 / 50

What is the family of mosquito________________?

26 / 50

A mixture of active and inert ingredients is called_________________?

27 / 50

When damage cause by insect pest is slight such pest is referred as_____?

28 / 50

An egg parasitoid of lepidopterous insects is________?

29 / 50

The artificial food of Queen is known as_________?

30 / 50

Beetles, weevils, earwigs. have fore wing very thick and hard structure is____?

31 / 50

Population prediction of a particular species with in the field is called______?

32 / 50

A chemical which causes plant does it called ____?

33 / 50

Apical margin of wing of insect is______?

34 / 50

Cypermethrin, deltamerthrin, permethrin are example of____?

35 / 50

Asymmetrical mouths parts present in____?

36 / 50

The type of diapause which occur in winter is________________?

37 / 50

The parasites which requires several or different hosts for its complete development is called ?

38 / 50

Reduction in pest population by the utilization of agricultural practices to make the environment unfavorable for pest is called____?

39 / 50

The lowest pest population that will cause economic damage is called _____?

40 / 50

Locomotion in response to odour is_________________?

41 / 50

The dorsal sclerotized region of insect body is called____?

42 / 50

The study of insect is called ?

43 / 50

The free living insects that catch and devour smaller or more helpless creatures, usually killing them in getting a single meal is called ?

44 / 50

Moths and butterflies have types of pupae________________?

45 / 50

Photogenic organ are present in______?

46 / 50

The parasite which can live on more than one host is called____?

47 / 50

Toxic refers to a________________?

48 / 50

Toxicant refers to a________________?

49 / 50

Carbamates contains_________________?

50 / 50

The use of all possible control strategies to manage the pest population below economic injury level is called:_______?

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