Everyday Science Quiz 19


Everyday Science Quiz 19

1 / 50

Which bone in human body is not directly attached to other bones?

2 / 50

Sunlight is made of__________colours?

3 / 50

Where is the uvula located in human body?

4 / 50

Who invented ?Aspirin? in 1897?

5 / 50

Most of the weather phenomena take place in which of the following layers of the atmosphere?

6 / 50

Which are the only two elements on the periodic table that are liquid at room temperature?

7 / 50

Who invented bifocal eyeglasses?

8 / 50

Which of the following vitamin is known as Niacin?

9 / 50

Granite is a____________?

10 / 50

Which of the following cannot be stored in glass bottle?

11 / 50

How many blood vessels can be found in the Umbilical Cord?

12 / 50

Who invented the first battery?

13 / 50

Which breed of dog has a black tongue?

14 / 50

A bird that can fly backwards?

15 / 50

The average human body contains how many pints of blood?

16 / 50

What is amoxicillin?

17 / 50

Lunar eclipse occurs on__________?

18 / 50

Soap is ______?

19 / 50

What is the body?s natural or acquired ability to resist certain diseases?

20 / 50

The chemical name of ?Acid? (Tezaab) is___________?

21 / 50

746 watts are equivalent to_____________?

22 / 50

Earth is divided into following three layers?

23 / 50

Which of the following slows down the formation of rbcs (Red Blood Cells)?

24 / 50

Penicillin is used to fight what type of infections?

25 / 50

The protein content in wheat is approximately?

26 / 50

Animal with the sharpest hearing ability?

27 / 50

People with what blood type can give blood to anyone and are thus called universal donors?

28 / 50

Age of the lion is determined through?

29 / 50

The deficiency of vitamin K causes ________ ?

30 / 50

The deficiency of vitamin E causes _______ ?

31 / 50

Dead red blood corpuscles are stored in____________?

32 / 50

Maxilla bones are found in___________?

33 / 50

The olfactory nerves affect what sense in brain?

34 / 50

Goitre is associated with___________?

35 / 50

Red + Green + Blue = ________?

36 / 50

How many layers does the earth have?

37 / 50

Which of the following mixture of gases is required in gas welding?

38 / 50

What type of Energy does spring have?

39 / 50

What is the date when day and night are equal?

40 / 50

How many hearts an Octopus has?

41 / 50

Stripes on each side of ?Gr?vy?s Zebra? is about_________?

42 / 50

Which gas is used in preparation of Soda water?

43 / 50

?Beaufort Scale? is used to measure____________?

44 / 50

How many eyes does a worm have?

45 / 50

In homosapiens (Human) the fertilization occurs in the___________?

46 / 50

Tooth decay is caused by?

47 / 50

What is the medical term for low blood sugar?

48 / 50

How many times the sun is bigger than the size of the earth?

49 / 50

Which human hormone is called love hormone?

50 / 50

Science which deals with the position and movement of heavenly bodies ?

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