Everyday Science Quiz 8


Everyday Science Quiz 8

1 / 50

A pulsar is a rapidly spinning neutron star which emits:

2 / 50

Antares is of the largest known ___________?

3 / 50

Water is a universal solvent for what reactions?

4 / 50

Some substances are good conductor of electricity in both the solid and liquid states. These substances are generally______________?

5 / 50

What sub-class of neutron star is known for its extremely high magnetic field?

6 / 50

One of the following ways of expressing the concentration of a solution does not depend on temperature. It is__________?

7 / 50

In eye donation, which one of the following parts of donor?s eye is utilized ?

8 / 50

Which of the following has the highest energy?

9 / 50

The increasing vapor pressure caused by heating a liquid is due to___________?

10 / 50

The Big Dipper is part of which constellation?

11 / 50

Color of the glow produced in the discharge tube:

12 / 50

What are the names of the two stars in the Big Dipper used to locate Polaris?

13 / 50

Honey contain glucose and fructose along with some other ingredients, it has greater viscosity due to____________?

14 / 50

What causes the Moon?s phases?

15 / 50

When a star becomes a singularity and has zero volume and infinite density, it is called_______________?

16 / 50

PSR J0108-1431 is the closest known ______________ to Earth?

17 / 50

The ?stone? formed in human kidney consist mostly of_____________?

18 / 50

This in-between phase of stellar nurseries and star formation in stellar evolution is when the gathered dust is still condensing to form a star.

19 / 50

Most drugs are excreted through_____________?

20 / 50

The sun is made up of 99.9% of ________________ and ______________?

21 / 50

In a typical H-R diagram, stars are graphed by these two characteristics:

22 / 50

All of the following statements are incorrect except:

23 / 50

You have discovered a new celestial body. It has a thick atmosphere and it produces powerful cosmic winds and, when observed, the clouds obscure the body. You have determined it is this type of star.

24 / 50

Particle clouds from where stars are formed are known as____________?

25 / 50

When our sun reaches the end of its red giant phase, it will turn into a___________?

26 / 50

During a total solar eclipse the rate of Photosynthesis___________?

27 / 50

Which of the following is closest to a yard in length?

28 / 50

Select the arrangement of electromagnetic radiation which starts with the lowest energy and increases to greatest energy?

29 / 50

The large dark patches on the Moon?s surface are known as___________?

30 / 50

A substance which increases the efficiency of a catalyst is termed as:

31 / 50

Covalent network crystals have_____________?

32 / 50

Rate of evaporation of petrol is greater than that of water at room temperature because:

33 / 50

The amount of energy required by the children of age between one to three years is___________?

34 / 50

All of the following substances are crystalline except_____________?

35 / 50

Oranges are rich source of____________?

36 / 50

A glass chimney stops an oil lamp from smoking because:

37 / 50

Second ionization energy:

38 / 50

An atom is_____________?

39 / 50

Which of the following has the largest wavelength?

40 / 50

All of the following are electromagnetic radiations except__________?

41 / 50

Which one is the brightest star in the night sky?

42 / 50

Which of the following is a substance?

43 / 50

?Each electron in an atom must have its own unique set of quantum numbers? is a statement of_______________?

44 / 50

The SI base unit for mass is_____________?

45 / 50

The average speed of a moving object during a given interval of time is always:

46 / 50

The common refrigerant used in domestic Refrigerator is_____________?

47 / 50

Nuclear radiation is emitted by those elements whose:

48 / 50

The SI standard of time is based on_____________?

49 / 50

According to the definition of 1 kwh, a 100 watt bulb consumes one unit of electricity in____________?

50 / 50

Insulin drug was discovered by____________?

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Dua e Hajat
4 Qul
6 Kalma
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