Fertilizer Technology Quiz 2
1 / 50
Dehydration of ammonium carbamate to yield urea is a/an ___________ reaction?
2 / 50
Nitrogen content in ammonium sulphate (a fertiliser) is around _______ percent?
3 / 50
Heating of coke, sand & phosphate rock in an electric furnace is done for the manufacture of__________?
4 / 50
In natural gas, the C/H ratio (by weight) varies in the range of__________?
5 / 50
H4P2O7 is the chemical formula of ______ phosphoric acid?
6 / 50
Iron is not used alone as a catalyst in ammonia synthesis, because_____?
7 / 50
Main component of bone ash is __________?
8 / 50
Dehydration of ammonium carbamate produces___________?
9 / 50
Hydrogen content of coke oven gas is _______ percent?
10 / 50
Nitrogen content of urea is about ______ percent ?
11 / 50
Naphtha in a fertiliser plant is used as a source of_____?
12 / 50
Multistage operation (as in the case of catalytic oxidation of SO2) is not carried out for NH3 synthesis, because of______?
13 / 50
In ______ converter for ammonia synthesis, the catalyst is arranged in the form of a single continuous bed?
14 / 50
In the manufacture of H3 PO4 (ortho); strong H2 SO4 leaching wet process as compared to electric furnace process_____?
15 / 50
Low grade coal is _______ to produce ammonia synthesis gas?
16 / 50
Nitrogen content of a nitrogenous fertiliser is 35%. It could be_____?
17 / 50
Leaching of phosphate rock by strong _____ acid produces phosphoric acid ?
18 / 50
Heating of ortho-phosphoric acid to about 900?C, produces__________?
19 / 50
Neutralisation of nitric acid with ammonia to produce ammonium nitrate is a/an _________ reaction?
20 / 50
Maximum nitrogen percentage is in_________?
21 / 50
In the manufacture of urea, the intermediate chemical formed is___________?
22 / 50
During nitric acid manufacture, catalytic oxidation of ammonia at 800?C in presence of platinum catalyst produces nitrogen oxide. Conversion of NH3 to NO is about _______ percent?
23 / 50
Fertiliser value of a nitrogenous fertiliser is expressed in terms of its _______ content?
24 / 50
Gas based fertiliser plants use__________?
25 / 50
Maximum stability of white phosphorous is at___________?
26 / 50
HPO3 is the chemical formula of _______ phosphoric acid?
27 / 50
Nitrogen content of calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) is ______ percent?
28 / 50
Low grade phosphate rock can be used in electrical furnace, because___________?
29 / 50
Flushing liquor used for cooling coke oven gas constitutes of ___________?
30 / 50
Lower temperature and large excess of ammonia in urea melt___________?
31 / 50
Fertiliser plants get their N2 requirements _______?
32 / 50
Fusion zone in the electric furnace used for reduction of phosphate rock to elemental phosphorous is maintained at _______ ?C?
33 / 50
Formation of ammonium carbamate by reaction of NH3 with CO2 is a/an _______ reaction?
34 / 50
Montecatini process is used for the manufacture of______?
35 / 50
During conversion of ammonium carbamate into urea, presence of large excess of water_______?
36 / 50
Effectiveness of a fertiliser is independent of the _____?
37 / 50
Main constituent of phosphate rock is_______?
38 / 50
Nitric acid is produced on commercial scale in a fertiliser plant by_____?
39 / 50
Liquid ammonia and 60% nitric acid reaction (which produces ammonium nitrate) is_____?
40 / 50
Excessive use of chemical fertilisers causes shrivelling of the roots and wilting of the plant, because the___________?
41 / 50
Heating a mixture of phosphate rock, coke and sand in an electric furnace produces_____?
42 / 50
H3PO4 is the chemical formula of _______ phosphoric acid?
43 / 50
In calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) fertiliser ______?
44 / 50
Electric process as compared to wet process (for the manufacture of phosphoric acid) ?
45 / 50
Heating of ortho-phosphoric acid to 250?C produces_____?
46 / 50
Electric furnace method for production of phosphorous uses phosphate rock and ___________?
47 / 50
In ammonia synthesis (N2 + 3H2 = 2NH3), there is a decrease in total volume, hence to get high equilibrium conversion, the reaction should be carried out at_________?
48 / 50
Montecatini process is a widely used process for the manufacture of _____?
49 / 50
In an ammonia plant, the purge off is essential to_____?
50 / 50
Fertiliser produced during soda ash manufacture by dual process is ammonium________?
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