Food Technology Quiz 4


Food Technology Quiz 4

1 / 50

Which type of bacteria grow best within the temperature range 55?C_____?

2 / 50

Which type of bacteria grow best at refrigeration temperature 10?C_______?

3 / 50

Humectants are moisture retention agents, help improve the rehydration of hydrated food and solubilization of flavour compounds________________?

4 / 50

Bacteria producing toxins that cause food poisoning are known as___________________?

5 / 50

Approximate calories in one large raw apple is ________?

6 / 50

Due to the action of ultraviolet rays of sun, human body produces___________________?

7 / 50

The world?s food is lost by microbial spoilage upto the extent of___________________?

8 / 50

The storage life of grape fruit at 50?F with R.H of 90% is _____?

9 / 50

Which one of the following is a yellow, crystalline and water soluble compound_______?

10 / 50

The science which deals with the path of the food___________________?

11 / 50

Which type of bacteria grow best at room temperature of 20____?

12 / 50

Cystein, Cystine and methionine amino acids are ____?

13 / 50

The concentration of ethylene required for the ripening of Banana is______?

14 / 50

The oldest food preservation techniques are ___________________?

15 / 50

Microbial gum used in food serve as_________________?

16 / 50

In preparation of fruit juices, pickles and carbonated beverages the preservative used is _____?

17 / 50

Which one of the following is used as antioxidant____?

18 / 50

When fresh meat in a butcher?s shop is cut, the newly exposed surface, on coming in contact with oxygen becomes______?

19 / 50

Maximum amount of casein is present in _______?

20 / 50

Which is the flavour enhancer in meat products ______?

21 / 50

Lime, lemon juice and pickles are_____?

22 / 50

Texture of pastries, cookies and crackers is evaluated by_________________?

23 / 50

Delta lactones are important in_____?

24 / 50

The application of science and engineering process to increase shelf life of food and prevent deterioration is known as___________________?

25 / 50

Estimate percentage loss of the world production__________________?

26 / 50

Eugenol is important ingredients of oil of__________________?

27 / 50

Undesirable flavor in the food during storage is due to___________________?

28 / 50

Approximate calories in 3.2 ounces of cooked is______?

29 / 50

The deficiency of vitamin K in human causes _________?

30 / 50

Folic acid deficiency causes___________________?

31 / 50

Ant caking agents used in food industry are ________?

32 / 50

The deficiency of vitamin D in human causes __________________?

33 / 50

Protein denaturation is the result of the modification of____?

34 / 50

Foods that fall within the pH range of 5.0 to 4.5 are called_____?

35 / 50

The deficiency of Niacin in adults causes___________________?

36 / 50

The fermentation in which sugars are converted into ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide is__________________?

37 / 50

C6H12O6 Yest 2C2H2OH+2CO2__________________?

38 / 50

Colour changes leading to brown, grey and other in fresh and cured meat can be arise from_____?

39 / 50

Vitamin A deficiency result in___________________?

40 / 50

Protein denaturation is brought about by_________________?

41 / 50

Maximum amount of whey proteins are found in ______?

42 / 50

Food supply can be increased by reducing post harvest losses___________________?

43 / 50

Saccharomyces creavisiae is the example of____?

44 / 50

Which one of the following plays the role of a natural oxidants____?

45 / 50

Extension of storage life by inhibition of sprouting of potatoes, onions and garlic can be achieved by radiation dose of_________________?

46 / 50

Which one of the following is thickening agent___________________?

47 / 50

The deteriorative changes originating from with in the food system is known as________________?

48 / 50

fumerase is an example of_____?

49 / 50

Deamination, oxidation, polymerization and decarboxylatio observed during irradiation in___________________?

50 / 50

Pure water has an water activity (Aw) of___________________?

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Qunoot e Nazilah
Dua e Hajat
4 Qul
6 Kalma
Darood Akbar
Surah Fatiha
Dua-e-Ganj Ul Arsh