Fuels and Combustion Quiz 1


Fuels and Combustion Quiz 1

1 / 50

A coal gasifier operating at 20 atm. (e.g. Lurgi gasifier) as compared to one operating at atmospheric pressure (e.g. Kopper-Totzek or Winkler gasifier) will produce a gas having _______?

2 / 50

A coal having high volatile matter content will _________?

3 / 50

A liquid/gaseous fuel containing hydrocarbons and high amount of sulphur is burnt with 40% excess air. The flue gas still contains large amount of carbon monoxide. This may be due to the__________?

4 / 50

A coal containing high amount of volatile matter will have___________?

5 / 50

64-132) rank coal (ASTM) means a coal with 64%_____?

6 / 50

A coal having higher volatile matter content, has lower__________?

7 / 50

Ammonia content in raw coke oven gas is about ______ gm/Nm3?

8 / 50

A good coking coal should have high _______ content?

9 / 50

?Wind loss? resulting from unscientific storage of coal may be the order of about ______ percent?

10 / 50

A fuel with high heat release rate will__________?

11 / 50

A good metallurgical coke_____?

12 / 50

A certain thickness of the coal, if stored unscientifically on soft (katcha) ground having no metallic/concrete flooring gets sunked into the ground, which is termed as the ?carpet loss?. The carpet loss may be of the order of _______ cms?

13 / 50

Anthracite can be used for_____?

14 / 50

______ has the widest inflammability limit (explosion limit) of all the gases?

15 / 50

A coal containing very high percentage of durain is called _______ coal?

16 / 50

A good quality coal should have _____?

17 / 50

?Wobbe index? is a characteristic of___________?

18 / 50

__________ is used as jet engine fuel ?

19 / 50

A travelling grate stoker is meant for the efficient burning of _______ coal?

20 / 50

A sample of natural gas containing 80% methane (CH4) and rest nitrogen (N2) is burnt with 20% excess air. With 80% of the combustibles producing CO2 and the remainder going to CO, the Orsat analysis in volume percent is__________?

21 / 50

A carbonaceous fuel (containing no H2 or hydrocarbons) is burnt and the resulting flue gas contains 21% CO2. It means that_____?

22 / 50

A coal with high ______ content, would ignite most easily?

23 / 50

Advantages of fluidised bed combustion are ______?

24 / 50

?Micum Index? of a coke is a measure of its_____?

25 / 50

A coal having high amount of volatile matter______?

26 / 50

?Fat coals? are those coals which have very high______?

27 / 50

Abel apparatus is used for those oils, whose flash points are ___________?F?

28 / 50

A coal having high ratio of volatile matter to fixed carbon as compared to a coal having low ratio of volatile matter to fixed carbon __________?

29 / 50

A gaseous fuel in order to develop luminosity on burning, must contain ___________?

30 / 50

About ______ Nm3 of air will be required for the complete combustion of 2Nm3 of CO?

31 / 50

(64-132) rank coal (ASTM) means a coal with 64%_____?

32 / 50

Anthracite coal ______?

33 / 50

Adiabatic flame temperature of a fuel is dependent on the initial temperature of_____?

34 / 50

_____ process is meant for direct hydrogenation of coal to produce liquid fuel?

35 / 50

A fuel containing carbon and carbon monoxide (but containing no hydrogen or its compounds) is burnt in pure oxygen at constant pressure. Its gross calorific value as compared to net calorific value will be__________?

36 / 50

?Overfire burning? in a furnace is a phenomenon characterised by the ___________?

37 / 50

______ present in coal is not determined in its ultimate analysis ?

38 / 50

______ of the coal is the basis for Seylor?s coal classification?

39 / 50

A coal having higher volatile matter content will necessarily have lower______?

40 / 50

A coal that softens and fuses on heating is__________?

41 / 50

A coal with high ash content is undesirable, as_________?

42 / 50

______ prohibits the use of alcohols directly in petrol engines ?

43 / 50

?Fat? coal means a coal having _____?

44 / 50

?Fuel? can be defined as a substance which produces heat by_____?

45 / 50

A coal with high ash content_____?

46 / 50

Air/gas ratio for complete combustion will be the highest for___________?

47 / 50

Artificial draught produced by a fan can be controlled by the_____?

48 / 50

Actual flame temperature is always lower than the adiabatic flame temperature, because there is_________?

49 / 50

Abrasion index of blast furnace coke should be around ______ percent?

50 / 50

A particular coal is said to be free burning when it ___________?

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