Fuels and Combustion Quiz 3
1 / 50
Coke oven gas is a better fuel than blast furnace gas, because of its higher_________?
2 / 50
Coalification means the _____?
3 / 50
Coking time in a commercial high temperature coal carbonisation plant is about _______ hours?
4 / 50
Dust content in raw blast furnace gas is about ________ gm/Nm3; hence it is cleaned to the dust level of about < 10 mg /Nm3 before use?
5 / 50
Coking time in beehive coke oven is about _____?
6 / 50
During combustion of coal on grate, clinker formation is increased by the_____?
7 / 50
Coke having higher porosity has _____?
8 / 50
Emission of dense white smoke out of the chimney of a thermal power plant is an indication of the use of___________?
9 / 50
Combustion of pulverised coal as compared to that of lump coal _________?
10 / 50
Efficiency of the combustion of a fuel is judged by the _______ the flue gas?
11 / 50
Commercial production of petrol from coal (as practised in a factory at Sasol in South Africa) is done by the _________ of coal?
12 / 50
Coke oven gas produced by high temperature carbonisation of coal (as compared to that produced by low temperature carbonisation), has__________?
13 / 50
Coals used for the generation of producer gas should have ______?
14 / 50
Coke made in narrower by-product coke ovens (as compared to wider ovens) is _______?
15 / 50
Coal tar fuels (CTF) as compared to petroleum based fuel oils have higher ___________?
16 / 50
Coal tar fuel ? 200 (CTF 200) is a mixture of ___________?
17 / 50
During its calorific value determination by bomb calorimeter, coal is combusted by __________?
18 / 50
Flue gas from the heating chamber of by product coke ovens is removed by_________?
19 / 50
Dry air required to burn 1 kg of carbon completely may be around _______ kg?
20 / 50
Correct viscosity of furnace oil at the burner tip for proper atomisation is about 25 centistokes. To reduce the viscosity of high viscosity furnace oil (250 centistokes) to the correct atomisation viscosity (i.e. 25 cst), it should be preheated to about _______?C?
21 / 50
Flue gas obtained on complete combustion of pure acetylene (a hydrocarbon fuel) will contain ___________?
22 / 50
Coke oven gas burns with a yellowish flame, because of the presence of ___________?
23 / 50
For every 10% increase in the excess air; the fuel consumption increases by ________ percent?
24 / 50
Flue gas discharge velocity through chimney of a big thermal power plant may be around _________ m/sec?
25 / 50
Deficiency of combustion air during combustion of a gaseous fuel_______?
26 / 50
Coal is pulverised before burning in large capacity boiler furnaces mainly to______
27 / 50
Coke oven gas is stripped of its H2S and mercaptans content by__________?
28 / 50
Coke ovens in steel plant are heated by _____?
29 / 50
During coal carbonisation process, the conversion of semi-coke to coke is accompanied by an increase in the ________ of the mass?
30 / 50
Coking time in narrow by-product coke ovens is around _______ hours?
31 / 50
Critical Air Blast (CAB) value of coke is a direct measure of its___________?
32 / 50
Coal tar (produced by high temperature carbonization) is the main source of_________?
33 / 50
Efficient burning of anthracite coal requires________?
34 / 50
Coke oven gas compared to blast furnace gas is_________?
35 / 50
Coal tar (produced by high temperature carbonisation) is the main source of__________?
36 / 50
Dry air requirement for burning 1 Nm3 of CO to CO2 may be around ________ Nm3 ?
37 / 50
Coking coals are invariably______?
38 / 50
Combustion reaction of fuels is a/an _______ reaction?
39 / 50
For long flame and easy ignition, the coal used should have__________?
40 / 50
Degree of carbonisation of coal during coke making can be roughly judged by the _______ of the coke produced?
41 / 50
Compound coke ovens are those which can be heated by ___________?
42 / 50
Eschka mixture, which is used for the determination of sulphur in coal, is a mixture of _______?
43 / 50
During combustion of gaseous fuels, deficiency of air__________?
44 / 50
During combustion of a gaseous fuel, the presence of a non-luminous flame is an indication of the______?
45 / 50
Fixed carbon in coal is defined as________?
46 / 50
Coke oven gas constitutes mainly of ______?
47 / 50
During coking of coal, the ash content (percentage)_________?
48 / 50
Coke oven gas after passing through return electrostatic tar precipitator (RETP) is used for the________?
49 / 50
Coke compared to the coal from which it has been made, contains ______?
50 / 50
Fischer-Tropsch method aims at the ________?
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