Fuels and Combustion Quiz 4
1 / 50
Fuel consumption in coke making can be reduced by_____?
2 / 50
Gobar gas is produced by the _______ of cow dung?
3 / 50
For the case of a fuel gas undergoing combustion with air, if the air/fuel ratio is increased, the adiabatic flame temperature will_______?
4 / 50
High excess air in combustion of fuels results in______?
5 / 50
Grindability index of a coal is 100. It implies that the _____?
6 / 50
Higher fuel combustion efficiency cannot be achieved by__________?
7 / 50
Furnace oil consumption in a furnace for a given duty employing preheated combination air (at 300?) may be reduced by about _______ percent as compared to the use of atmospheric combustion air?
8 / 50
In case of pulverised coal fired steam boiler, the secondary air serves the main purpose of___________?
9 / 50
Gas yield in the Kopper-Totzek coal gasifier is about _______ Nm3/ton coal (ash = 35%)?
10 / 50
Gross & net calorific value is the same for_____?
11 / 50
Highly reactive coke have lower _____?
12 / 50
For maximum discharge through a chimney, its height should be_____?
13 / 50
High ash coals ______?
14 / 50
Fussain _______?
15 / 50
Ignition temperature of a fuel in air is _______ that in pure oxygen?
16 / 50
High sulphur content in a fuel _______ of the flue gases?
17 / 50
If CO2 is not fully absorbed by the KOH solution meant for its absorption in the orsat apparatus, it will appear as_____?
18 / 50
Fusion point of coal ash increases with increase in its _____ content?
19 / 50
Heat penetration rate in narrow coke ovens in high temperature carbonisation of coal is around _______ cm/hr?
20 / 50
Higher efficiency in the combustion of solid fuel cannot be achieved by_________?
21 / 50
High ash containing coke______?
22 / 50
Gobar gas is produced by the ________ of ?gobar? (cow dung) ?
23 / 50
Hardgrove Grindability index of four coal samples are given below. Which of them is the easiest to grind ?
24 / 50
High temperature carbonisation of coal takes place at ________ ?C?
25 / 50
Fuel combustion is never cent per cent efficient due to_____?
26 / 50
Higher percentage of ash in coal meant for the production of metallurgical grade coke _____?
27 / 50
High rate of heating of coke ovens______?
28 / 50
Height of coke oven is limited (say maximum upto 7 metres) mainly by the_______?
29 / 50
High pressure coal gasification is employed in _________ process?
30 / 50
Froth floatation is used for__________?
31 / 50
If the specific heat of gaseous products of combustion of a fuel is high, the abiabatic flame temperature will be______?
32 / 50
High temperature in gasification of coal favours_________?
33 / 50
Fossil fuels mean_____?
34 / 50
If oxygen content in the flue gas rises too high, fuel is being wasted by ________?
35 / 50
High temperature carbonisation of coal produces___________?
36 / 50
Hard pitch is used for making_______?
37 / 50
Gasification of the solid fuel converts its organic part into combustible by interaction with air/oxygen and steam so as to obtain a secondary gaseous fuel of high calorific value having no ash. Gasification reactions are normally carried out at about ______ ?C?
38 / 50
Ignition temperature decreases progressively from anthracite to lignite, because_____?
39 / 50
Function of secondary air in pulverised coal firing is to__________?
40 / 50
Gross heating value of coal is _______ the net heating value?
41 / 50
Highly caking coals_______?
42 / 50
Fuel for a nuclear reactor (thermal) is ______?
43 / 50
Gobar gas constitutes mainly of_____?
44 / 50
Improper storage condition results in the weathering of coal and spontaneous combustion, which increases its__________?
45 / 50
46 / 50
Gray King Assay and Swelling Index of a coal is a measure of its ______?
47 / 50
High amount of sulphur and phosphorous in coke causes ______ ?
48 / 50
Gross and net calorific value of a fuel will be the same___________?
49 / 50
Fuel for a fast breeder nuclear reactor is______?
50 / 50
Hard coke is manufactured from_____?
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