Fuels and Combustion Quiz 8


Fuels and Combustion Quiz 8

1 / 50

Washing of coal does not reduce its________?

2 / 50

The pyrogallol solution used in Orsat apparatus can absorb__________?

3 / 50

Too much of excess air in combustion results in high_____?

4 / 50

Tolerable concentration of toxic carbon monoxide in atmospheric air is about _______ ppm?

5 / 50

Which is the heaviest fuel gas out of the following ?

6 / 50

Water gas constitutes mainly of ___________?

7 / 50

The temperature at which plastic layer formation takes place during carbonisation of coal varies from _______ ?C ?

8 / 50

The shift conversion reaction taking place during water gas manufacture is given by___________?

9 / 50

Volatile matter content in coking coal may be about ______ percent?

10 / 50

The ratio of % total carbon obtained in the ultimate analysis of coke and % fixed carbon obtained in the proximate analysis is always _____?

11 / 50

The optimum percentage of excess air for combustion depends upon the ________ of the fuel?

12 / 50

Traces of tar fog present in the coke oven gas is removed by__________?

13 / 50

Use of pulverised coal in boiler furnace provides_____?

14 / 50

The weathering index of a coal_________?

15 / 50

The maximum adiabatic flame temperature in air as compared to that in pure oxygen is________?

16 / 50

Washing of coal_________?

17 / 50

The maximum adiabatic flame temperature in air is ______ the maximum flame temperature in pure oxygen?

18 / 50

Which of the following constituents of coal is the most important in the production of coke ?

19 / 50

The maximum adiabatic flame temperature is attained, when the fuel is burnt with ________?

20 / 50

Which of the following accentuates clinkering trouble on furnace grate burning coal ?

21 / 50

When the coal is heated in absence of air, it is called its _________?

22 / 50

To avoid fire by spontaneous combustion of coal due to its low temperature oxidation, it should be stored in_____?

23 / 50

Volumetric ratio of N2 to O2 in dry atmospheric air is _______?

24 / 50

The main reason for making the copper calorimeter (used in bomb calorimeter) silvery white and shining/polished is to_____?

25 / 50

Weathering of coal during storage causes________?

26 / 50

The reaction, C + CO2 ? 2CO, taking place during coal gasification is called the _______ reaction?

27 / 50

Ultimate analysis of coal determines its ________ content?

28 / 50

Which of the following can be made into briquettes without the use of a binder ?

29 / 50

Which of the following coal gasification processes will produce gas having maximum methane content ?

30 / 50

The main function of primary air in pulverised coal fired burner is to__________?

31 / 50

When incomplete combustion loss is high, the flue gas analysis shows large amount of _________?

32 / 50

The sequence of absorption in flue gas analysis by Orsat?s apparatus is respectively_________?

33 / 50

The maximum percentage of CO2 in a flue gas (from a carbonaceous fuel) can be__________?

34 / 50

Which of the following coke has the least percentage of ash ?

35 / 50

Which of the following combustibles is absent in blast furnace gas ?

36 / 50

Theoretical flame temperature of a fuel is that temperature which is attained, when the fuel is completely burnt ?using theoretical amount of air in_____?

37 / 50

Use of excess of combustion air in the combustion of fuels results in___________?

38 / 50

The most matured coal out of the following is___________?

39 / 50

Which is the most matured coal ?

40 / 50

Which of the following accounts for maximum energy loss in a boiler ?

41 / 50

Washing of coal __________?

42 / 50

Washing of coal is done to reduce the__________?

43 / 50

Very _______ coals are completely devoid of cokability i.e., it is non-coking ?

44 / 50

When steam is passed over coal resulting in the endothermic reaction represent by, C + H2O = CO + H2, it is called the ________ of coal?

45 / 50

Use of preheated air for combustion of fuel in the furnace, increases the_____?

46 / 50

Washing of coal decreases its__________?

47 / 50

Turndown ratio of a gas burner is equal to the ___________ ?

48 / 50

The main product of high temperature carbonisation of coal is___________?

49 / 50

Which of the following constituents of a fuel does not contribute to its calorific value on combustion ?

50 / 50

The main drawback of supplying more excess air in the combustion of fuel is the__________?

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