Furnace Technology Quiz 1
1 / 50
Coke ovens in steel plant are heated by______?
2 / 50
In a muffle furnace, the muffle__________?
3 / 50
Ceramic coating material for furnace refractory, which increases its emissivity and thus the radiation heat transfer rate in the furnace, comprises of__________?
4 / 50
Furnace aerodynamics is related to the ______ in the furnace?
5 / 50
If fuel and air are mixed ahead of the burner, it is called a/an _______ burner?
6 / 50
Advantages of use of preheated combustion air are___________?
7 / 50
______ atmosphere is maintained inside an iron blast furnace?
8 / 50
In practical operation of any furnace, zero oxygen percentage or theoretical CO2 percentage in flue gas is rarely achieved, because of___________?
9 / 50
Ceramic recuperators compared to metallic recuperators for the same duty__________?
10 / 50
Dampers are located___________?
11 / 50
Cement Kiln is a_____?
12 / 50
Forced recirculation of furnace gases is practised________?
13 / 50
Heat transfer rate to the charge/stock in a furnace does not depend upon the_________?
14 / 50
Acid dew point temperature (ADT) of a flue gas produced by the combustion of a fuel containing 1% sulphur may be about _____ ?C?
15 / 50
Air filtration in a furnace_____?
16 / 50
______ furnace is not an electric furnace?
17 / 50
An example of shaft furnace is the___________?
18 / 50
Decarburisation of steel___________?
19 / 50
Heat transfer rate to the stock/charge in the furnace does not depend upon the_________?
20 / 50
An example of a periodic furnace is the___________?
21 / 50
Hearth furnaces are not used for______?
22 / 50
Circulation of gases in furnace is caused by the__________?
23 / 50
_______ is an indirectly heated furnace?
24 / 50
Amount of coal lost in ash particle, which is carried through the boiler system, depends upon the___________?
25 / 50
An improved and fuel efficient version of the pusher type reheating furnace is the _______ furnace?
26 / 50
Fuel economy in furnaces can be achieved by__________?
27 / 50
Example of an indirectly heated furnace is___________?
28 / 50
Flue gas outlet temperature from the chimney of any furnace should be ideally about _______ ?C?
29 / 50
An example of indirectly heated furnace is the__________?
30 / 50
An example of recuperative furnace is the___________?
31 / 50
In a heating process, a heat flow diagram in which the quantities of heat in the various items of a heat balance are represented by the width of a band is called the___________?
32 / 50
Heat balance of furnace provides means of determining the__________?
33 / 50
Fuel economy in an industrial furnace operation cannot be achieved by the use of___________?
34 / 50
If the flame is produced under the hearth and then sweeps up into the heating chamber, this is called a/an _______ furnace?
35 / 50
Combustion of fuel in a furnace with oxygen enriched air results in higher___________?
36 / 50
In low or standard frequency induction furnace, heat is produced by the_________?
37 / 50
Ceramic recuperators (made of SiC) is economical, only when used for preheating combustion air above ______ ?C?
38 / 50
Design of waste heat boiler for recovery of waste heat from furnace gases depends upon the__________?
39 / 50
A refractory wall separating the stock and the source of heat is provided in a___________?
40 / 50
Artificial draught produced by a fan in the furnace can be controlled by the_____?
41 / 50
Furnace pressure is normally controlled by regulating the___________?
42 / 50
In reverberatory furnace, charge is heated mainly by___________?
43 / 50
In salt bath furnace, heat is transferred to the charge mainly by ___________?
44 / 50
In order to maintain an oxidising atmosphere in a furnace, it should have___________?
45 / 50
Heat transfer takes place through a liquid medium surrounding the submerged material under heating, in case of a/an___________?
46 / 50
An electric furnace producing heat by means of an electric arc struck between each of three electrodes and the charge is called _____ furnace?
47 / 50
In furnaces operating at very high temperature (say) 1250?C, e.g. soaking pit), the maximum heat transfer takes place by___________?
48 / 50
In case of pulverised coal fired steam boiler, the secondary air serves the main purpose of__________?
49 / 50
Combustion of furnace oil in a furnace (soaking pit) with preheated combustion air at 400?C results in saving of about __________ percent furnace oil as compared to its combustion with atmospheric air, if the flue gas outlet temperature from the soaking pit is 1200?C ?
50 / 50
Higher furnace temperature cannot be achieved by use of a lean fuel gas in the furnace by__________?
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