Furnace Technology Quiz 3
1 / 34
Which of the following advantages is not associated with the use of preheated air for combustion of a fuel in the furnace ?
2 / 34
Which furnace employs an I.D. fan for the removal of flue gases from the furnace ?
3 / 34
Which is the most thermally efficient furnace _________?
4 / 34
Which of the following is a heat treatment furnace ?
5 / 34
Which of the following variables does not affect the furnace capacity ?
6 / 34
Which of the following is not an additive for flue gases from furnace to reduce its dewpoint ?
7 / 34
Very high pressure boilers are usually ______ boilers?
8 / 34
Use of pulverised coal in boilers provides______?
9 / 34
While the fuel fired furnace can be used upto a maximum temperature of about 1700?C, the electric furnace can be used upto a temperature of about ______ ?C?
10 / 34
Turndown ratio of a burner gives an idea of the _______ in the furnace?
11 / 34
Which of the following is a directly fired intermittent furnace ?
12 / 34
Which of the following is a periodic furnace ?
13 / 34
Which one shows the diagrammatic heat balance in a furnace ?
14 / 34
Which of the following is a batch furnace ?
15 / 34
Which of the following furnaces will have maximum thermal efficiency ?
16 / 34
Thickness of stock does not affect the fuel economy of furnaces, if the material to be heated is of___________?
17 / 34
Unit of furnace loading is______?
18 / 34
Which of the following variables affects the furnace capacity ?
19 / 34
Which is not accomplished in an underfired furnace ?
20 / 34
To reduce the stack loss, heat recovery from flue gas can be done by_______?
21 / 34
Which of the following is the most suitable for preheating combustion air above 650?C ?
22 / 34
Which of the following is not a recuperative furnace ?
23 / 34
Which of the following accentuates clinkering troubles on furnace grate burning coal ?
24 / 34
Which one is not an induced draught furnace ?
25 / 34
Which furnace employs preheating, heating and soaking zones ?
26 / 34
Waste heat from the outgoing flue gases in a thermal power plant is recovered by a/an__________?
27 / 34
Which of the following is not a continuous waste heat recovery equipment from the flue gases going out of furnace ?
28 / 34
Which is not a hearth furnace ?
29 / 34
Which is a continuous furnace ?
30 / 34
Which of the following is the most important deterrents to an extended use of pulverised coal in boiler firing ?
31 / 34
Which of the following is not a directly fired furnace ?
32 / 34
Turn down ratio of a burner______?
33 / 34
Which is a regenerative furnace ?
34 / 34
Thermal efficiency of furnaces can be improved by______?
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