General Anatomy Quiz 10


General Anatomy Quiz 10

1 / 50

IN relation to the occlusal plane following muscles are in descending order ______?

2 / 50

Which of the following is present in the posterior cranial fossa in a five year old child_______?

3 / 50

Derivative of second pharyngeal arch is_________?

4 / 50

Deep part of submandibular salivary gland is in relation to ______?

5 / 50

Trachea bifurcates at the level of________?

6 / 50

A person showing two cell lines drived from one zygote is____?

7 / 50

Trigeminal nerve has how many nuclei in CNS_______?

8 / 50

Which of the following accessory ligaments of the TMJ is likely to have significance upon mandibular movements ?

9 / 50

Which structures pass through infra orbital fissurs_______?

10 / 50

The cavernous sinus communicates directly with all except______?

11 / 50

Only nerve that originates from the dorsal surface of the brain stem is_______?

12 / 50

Injury to one of the following arteries results in extradural hematoma________?

13 / 50

Injury to which nerve will affect lacrimal secretion_______?

14 / 50

Which structure passes through infra orbital fissure_______?

15 / 50

Celiary ganglion is located_______?

16 / 50

All of the following cells are of endodermal origin except_______?

17 / 50

Motor division of trigeminal division comes out via________?

18 / 50

What is the type of joint between the ossicles of ear ?

19 / 50

IN an adult, the spinal cord end at the level of________?

20 / 50

Parotid duct traverses_________?

21 / 50

Temporalis muscle originates from_________?

22 / 50

Level III neck nodes are_____?

23 / 50

Genioglossus Muscle is attached in the posterior surface of symphysis menti in the_________?

24 / 50

Upper and lower lips are formed from which embryonic processes______?

25 / 50

Tributary of the cavernous sinus includes all of the following, except ?

26 / 50

The structure that is closely related to the posterior end of the mylohyoid ridge is________?

27 / 50

What is true about pharyngotympanic tube ( Eustachian tube) ?

28 / 50

A person has inability to look downwards and laterally. The nerve injured is______?

29 / 50

The antagonistic muscle to superior rectus _______?

30 / 50

Cricothyroid is supplied by________?

31 / 50

The cavernous sinu does not communicate with the______?

32 / 50

The carotid artery may be palpated at______?

33 / 50

Blood supply of coronoid process of mandible is primarily from______?

34 / 50

Sensory nerve fibers to posterior one third of the tongue is supplied by _______?

35 / 50

Which of the following is innervated by the vagus nerve ?

36 / 50

Sensory supply to soft palate is by all except_______?

37 / 50

Visual cortex is present in the______?

38 / 50

Preganglionic parasympathetic fibres travel to otic ganglion from______?

39 / 50

TMJ is supplied by______?

40 / 50

The first costochondral joint is a________?

41 / 50

Muscle that attaches to zygomatic process of maxilla_______?

42 / 50

When the jaw is opened_________?

43 / 50

Imbilical cord contains___?

44 / 50

The posterior part of the tongue develops from___?

45 / 50

Anterior limit of infratemporal fossa is_______?

46 / 50

Development of palate beings at the age of_________?

47 / 50

Treatment of choice for subgaleal hematoma________?

48 / 50

Medial pterygoid muscle is attached to _________?

49 / 50

Foramen magnum transmits all except___?

50 / 50

Lymph from lower lip ? middle part drains directly into ________?

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Qunoot e Nazilah
Dua e Hajat
4 Qul
6 Kalma
Darood Akbar
Surah Fatiha
Dua-e-Ganj Ul Arsh