General Anatomy Quiz 11
1 / 36
Nerve supply to vocal cords is by______?
2 / 36
In a cross section of thorax at T4 , which is found____?
3 / 36
In adults, the spinal cord normal ends at_______?
4 / 36
The receptor cells of the olfactory epithelium are____?
5 / 36
The inferior surface of the heart is formed by___?
6 / 36
Recurrent laryngeal nerve has close relation to_______?
7 / 36
The auriculotemporal nerve supplies which gland______?
8 / 36
Ganglion associated with locrimal gland________?
9 / 36
The ascending palatine artery is a branch of _________?
10 / 36
Submandibular gland is supplied by______?
11 / 36
Which of the following does not pass through cavernous sinus ?
12 / 36
The place where the hard palate is continuous with soft palate posteriorly is overlapped by_________?
13 / 36
Which vertebra has the most prominent spine_______?
14 / 36
Anterior and posterior belly of digastric form an intermediate tendon that attaches to________?
15 / 36
Which nerve is in close relation with the root of the lower 3rd molar ____?
16 / 36
1st arch artery is___?
17 / 36
Which one of the following muscles of the soft palate supplied by the mandibular nerve_______?
18 / 36
Which of the following is the nerve of third branchial arch_____?
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The nerve that is related to pyriform recess in pharynx____?
20 / 36
Walderyer?s lymphatic chain is formed by all except______?
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The cortex of lymph node contains____?
22 / 36
Muscles of mastication develops from____?
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Which structure does not pass through the jugular foramen ?
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Nerve of pterygoid canal is formed by_______?
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That is not true for facial artery ?
26 / 36
The lower lip gets its sensory supply though the____?
27 / 36
Embryologically hard palate develop from_________?
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The period of embryo extends________?
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All of the following muscles are supplied by the facial nerve except________?
30 / 36
The major blood supply of hard palate is through________?
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The orifice of the parotid duct is located_______?
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Which of the following structures is not found in parotid gland_______?
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Lateral part of middle cranial fossa and posterior cranial fossa are divided by _______?
34 / 36
The middle meningeal artery_____?
35 / 36
Retraction of mandible is achieved by___?
36 / 36
Hypoglossal nerve supplies to all the following muscles EXCEPT_____?
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