General Anatomy Quiz 2


General Anatomy Quiz 2

1 / 50

Which of the following is NOT true about paramedian pits ________?

2 / 50

Danger area of face is called because of connection of facial veins to cavernous sinus through_______?

3 / 50

Sternocleidomastoid and trapezius are supplied by____?

4 / 50

Hypolossal nerve is_________?

5 / 50

The main arterial supply of face________?

6 / 50

Anterior ethmoidal nerve supplies all except_______?

7 / 50

The mucosa of the posterior third of the tongue is supplied by_______?

8 / 50

Which is not formed from the cartilaginous part of viscerocranium ?

9 / 50

All of the following supply TMJ except______?

10 / 50

Muscle originating from scaphoid fossa is ______?

11 / 50

Highest point on skull______?

12 / 50

Muscles which open the glottis are_________?

13 / 50

The cranial nerves which are part of parasympathetic card via______?

14 / 50

TMJ is supplied by ________?

15 / 50

All are sensory to the palate except______?

16 / 50

Posterior boundary of carotid triangle is_________?

17 / 50

Passavent?s muscle is formed by_________?

18 / 50

Palatine aponeurosis is_______?

19 / 50

Basal lamina of blood vessel in CNS is secreted by_______?

20 / 50

Bregma is the name given to the junction of the________?

21 / 50

Ligamentum denticulaum is_________?

22 / 50

The muscle arising from the outer surface of the alveolus at the region of the molars is supplied by which nerve ______?

23 / 50

Anterior spinal artery is a branch of_____?

24 / 50

Thalamus is the largest relay centr for all sensory inputs___?

25 / 50

The primary germ layer endoderm is derived from______?

26 / 50

Posterior communicating artery is a branch of ________?

27 / 50

Infection spreading via lymphatics from the lower lip first enter the blood stream at the____?

28 / 50

Lymph from tonsils drain into the________?

29 / 50

Which of the following is false about otic parasympathetic ganglion ?

30 / 50

The artery , which runs along , the lower border of posterior belly of digastric is________?

31 / 50

Cranial nerve not carrying parasympathetic fibres______?

32 / 50

Al are structures lying deep to the hyoglossus muscle except________?

33 / 50

All of the following muscles are supplied by the mandibular nerve except________?

34 / 50

Afferent sensation from the lower molar teeth is carried by_____?

35 / 50

7th,9th ,10thcranial nerves ends in_____?

36 / 50

Which is true of tonsils________?

37 / 50

Which of the following does not pass through superior orbital fissure _______?

38 / 50

All are true of mandibular nerve except_________?

39 / 50

The fifth nerve innervates the following_________?

40 / 50

Thyroid gland develops rom_________?

41 / 50

When a patient is asked to say ? ah? if the uvula is drawn upwards to the left, the cranial nerve likely to be damaged is_____?

42 / 50

The facial nerve_______?

43 / 50

Which cells are not present in cerebral cortex ?

44 / 50

Carotid sheath contains all except_______?

45 / 50

The occulomotor nerve supplies all the muscles of eye except______?

46 / 50

Where is cillary ganglion located in the orbit_______?

47 / 50

Damage to internal laryngeal nerve results in_________?

48 / 50

Submandibular gland is situated in_____?

49 / 50

Damage to external laryngeal nerve results in________?

50 / 50

Which muscles make up the pterygomandibular raphae_______?

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Qunoot e Nazilah
Dua e Hajat
4 Qul
6 Kalma
Darood Akbar
Surah Fatiha
Dua-e-Ganj Ul Arsh