General Knowledge Quiz 23


General Knowledge Quiz 23

1 / 50

Which of the following is the Parliament of japan?

2 / 50

Which of the following is the Parliament of japan?

3 / 50

Which of the following is the Parliament of japan?

4 / 50

Which of the following is the Parliament of japan?

5 / 50

?Game Changer? is the autobiography of which famous Cricketer?

6 / 50

Which of the following is the Parliament of japan?

7 / 50

Which of the following is the Parliament of japan?

8 / 50

What is the tenure of FATF Presidentship which rotates among member Countries?

9 / 50

Which of the following is the Parliament of japan?

10 / 50

The World Kidney day is observed ___________?

11 / 50

Latakia and Tartus are Seaports of____________?

12 / 50

Which of the following is the Parliament of japan?

13 / 50

Who was the main female God worshipped by Indus people?

14 / 50

Which of the following is the Parliament of japan?

15 / 50

Where is famous ?Natural Bridge? located?

16 / 50

Freetown is the capital of____________?

17 / 50

Jinnah of Pakistan by Stanely Wolpert was published in__________?

18 / 50

Which is the national flower of Andorra ?

19 / 50

Which of the following is the Parliament of japan?

20 / 50

Which is the national flower of ?Belize? ?

21 / 50

Which of the following is the Parliament of japan?

22 / 50

Who is known as the founder of the ?Republic of Turkey??

23 / 50

Which of the following is the Parliament of japan?

24 / 50

The World Day of Social Justice is observed every year on ____________?

25 / 50

Which of the following is the Parliament of japan?

26 / 50

Which of the following is the Parliament of japan?

27 / 50

Thar coal is __________ largest coal reserves of the World?

28 / 50

Which of the following is the Parliament of japan?

29 / 50

Virus is the word of which language?

30 / 50

What is the theme of the 2019 International Mother Language Day?

31 / 50

Which of the following is the Parliament of japan?

32 / 50

What is the highest waterfall in Europe?

33 / 50

When Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation was established?

34 / 50

Which of the following is the Parliament of japan?

35 / 50

Which of the following is the Parliament of japan?

36 / 50

Canada is made up of how many Provinces?

37 / 50

Which of the following is the Parliament of japan?

38 / 50

Which of the following is the Parliament of japan?

39 / 50

What is the Nationality of founder of Wikileaks?

40 / 50

The World Science Day is observed every year on __________ ?

41 / 50

Which of the following is the Parliament of japan?

42 / 50

Which US state has the most active volcanoes?

43 / 50

What was the theme of 2019 International Women?s Day?

44 / 50

Which is the national game of New Zealand ?

45 / 50

Which of the following is the Parliament of japan?

46 / 50

Which Country has the most Natural Lakes?

47 / 50

Which of the following is the Parliament of japan?

48 / 50

Which of the following is the Parliament of japan?

49 / 50

Which of the following is the Parliament of japan?

50 / 50

The land of hospitality is____________?

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