Geographical Epithets Quiz 1


Geographical Epithets Quiz 1

1 / 50

What happens when ships cross the International Date Line?

2 / 50

What happens during the equinoxes?

3 / 50

What do the USSR, China, Brazil, India, and the USA have in common?

4 / 50

What are the Roaring Forties?

5 / 50

Which part of the earth is the South Temperate Zone?

6 / 50

In which part of the world would you find cyclones?

7 / 50

Which expedition was the first to sail round the world and conclusively prove that the Earth is round?

8 / 50

What is an oasis and where would you find it?

9 / 50

Which ocean surrounds Antarctica?

10 / 50

Which one is the smallest planet?

11 / 50

Where would you find the Trade Winds?

12 / 50

Which is the most densely populated continent?

13 / 50

When is the Vernal Equinox?

14 / 50

What are the Selvas?

15 / 50

What do contours on maps indicate?

16 / 50

What is the latitude of the Arctic Circle?

17 / 50

What is Cash Crop?

18 / 50

What have Humboldt, Benguela and Kuro Siwo in common?

19 / 50

What is the distance around the earth at the Equator?

20 / 50

What does the scale 1: 1,000,000 represent in linear measure?

21 / 50

How many times does the Earth move round the Sun in a year?

22 / 50

What is the Continental Shelf?

23 / 50

Which is the busiest ocean of the world in normal times?

24 / 50

What is stock farming?

25 / 50

What are the Doldrums?

26 / 50

Outside Antarctica, which is the deepest part of the earth?

27 / 50

What is the more common name for the winds that are sometimes called the Anti-trades?

28 / 50

If the water surrounding the land man lives on is called the hydrosphere, what is the rocky crust of the earth on which we live called?

29 / 50

Who or what are Mollweide, Bonne and Gall?

30 / 50

What is the upper part of the atmosphere called?

31 / 50

What common feature do Intermountain, Piedmont, and Continental describe?

32 / 50

From which language is the word "Monsoon" derived?

33 / 50

What have the Sirocco, Fohn and Mistral in common?

34 / 50

What are permeable rocks?

35 / 50

Which is the specific feature of the Mercator Projection?

36 / 50

What is loess?

37 / 50

What is another name for a Highland climate?

38 / 50

What are those unique "Pillar" formations found limestone caves?

39 / 50

Where is the Torrid Zone?

40 / 50

The surface of the earth is about 500 million sq. km. About how much of this is water?

41 / 50

Which one is the Earth's satellite?

42 / 50

What happens in land that is in the rain shadow?

43 / 50

What is sometimes referred to as the World Ocean?

44 / 50

How many satellites does the largest planet have?

45 / 50

Four of the five most populous countries are also among the five largest countries in the world by area. Which is the fifth largest by area?

46 / 50

What are Chernozem soils?

47 / 50

Which is the hottest place on earth?

48 / 50

Which part of the world is regularly visited by tornadoes?

49 / 50

When is the Summer Solstice?

50 / 50

How are heights of land expressed?

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