Horticulture Quiz 5
1 / 50
The smell in onion bulb is due to__________?
2 / 50
The recommended plant to plant space for chiku is __________?
3 / 50
Cultivation of grapes is called___________?
4 / 50
Cabbage and cauliflower are also___________?
5 / 50
From which part of turmeric plant the turmeric powder is obtained__________?
6 / 50
Photophosphorylation is process of generating___?
7 / 50
Fleshy fruits developed from the ovary wall with out stony layer are known as__?
8 / 50
Lenticular transpiration generally occurs in__?
9 / 50
Rafinose is_____?
10 / 50
Removal any terminal part of the plant is called___________?
11 / 50
Banana is a rich source of__________?
12 / 50
How much area in Pakistan is under horticultural crops ___________?
13 / 50
Edible seed like almonds, pea cons are known as__?
14 / 50
From which part of coconut tree coir is obtained___________?
15 / 50
Optimum temperature, minimum temperature and maximum temperature are collectively called_________?
16 / 50
Roma is variety of ___________?
17 / 50
Lemon plant is commercially propagated by__?
18 / 50
Degreening of citrus fruit is achieved by the use of___?
19 / 50
Resigns is toxic substance found in_________?
20 / 50
The science of rearing honey bee for honey is known as__________?
21 / 50
What is 2,4-D__?
22 / 50
A flower having many pistils on same receptacle develop__?
23 / 50
In spinach cross pollination takes place by___________?
24 / 50
Purpling of leaves is common deficinary symptoms of __________?
25 / 50
Degradation of green colour of fruits is due to___________?
26 / 50
Science and art of establishment a tree crop is called__?
27 / 50
Which type of development takes place in the female part of the ovule____?
28 / 50
Lettuce is______?
29 / 50
A form of controlled atmosphere storage in which the produce is stored in a partial vacuum is called___________?
30 / 50
The union of the second male gametes with polar nuclei is called_________?
31 / 50
The practice of raising trees is called__________?
32 / 50
Synthetic products which when applied to plants produce reactions almost identical to those caused by natural harmonics are called________?
33 / 50
Self supporting succulent plants are called__?
34 / 50
Who used first artificial hybridization in fruit crops __?
35 / 50
Production of silk is termed as __?
36 / 50
Parthenogenesis is most commonly seen in_____?
37 / 50
Papaya fruit is___________?
38 / 50
Objective of pruning include___________?
39 / 50
Ornamental Horticulture is the combination of__?
40 / 50
Among the root crops, the application of potassic fertilizers is essential in______?
41 / 50
A form of controlled atmosphere storage in which the produce is stored in a partial vacuum is called_________?
42 / 50
Propagation of guava is done by___________?
43 / 50
Chilling injury in fruits occurs due to__________?
44 / 50
The storage life of fresh apples at -1 to -4?c is____?
45 / 50
______ may be defined as the art and science of cutting away of portion of plant to improve its shape, to influence its growth, flowering and fruitfulness and to improve the quality of the product:
46 / 50
In mango and carrot how much vitamin C (mg/100 gm)is present__________?
47 / 50
Tomato is good source of vitamin___________?
48 / 50
The metric unit of light is___________?
49 / 50
Heat requirement to change 1 Kg of a substance at its boiling point from the liquid to vapour is called__________?
50 / 50
The problem of granulation has been found in__?
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